GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3.pdfThis project uses the GPL v3 license for all software related to the glider.Adobe Portable Document Format - 78.20 kB - 10/21/2017 at 10:31 |
demo.inoArduino demo program for gliding forwards by descending and ascendingino - 2.79 kB - 10/14/2017 at 23:02 |
Calibration.inoArduino calibration program for calibrating the buoyancy trim of the gliderino - 2.51 kB - 10/14/2017 at 23:02 |
End_caps.pdfEndcap drilling guideAdobe Portable Document Format - 5.63 kB - 10/10/2017 at 22:58 |
Planetary_gearbox.scadscad - 8.97 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:30 |
Control_board_v0.2.1_Gerber_RS274X.zipZip folder containing gerber RS274X files for the control board PCB (generated using OSHpark's "OSHPark 2layer" cam job)x-zip-compressed - 147.84 kB - 10/15/2017 at 08:40 |
Buoyancy_engine_connector_female_Gerber_RS274X.zipZip folder containing gerber RS274X files for the female pogo connector PCB (generated using OSHpark's "OSHPark 2layer" cam job)x-zip-compressed - 10.68 kB - 10/15/2017 at 08:42 |
Buoyancy_engine_connector_male_Gerber_RS274X.zipZip folder containing gerber RS274X files for the male pogo connector PCB (generated using OSHpark's "OSHPark 2layer" cam job)x-zip-compressed - 11.54 kB - 10/15/2017 at 08:45 |
Control_board_v0.2.1_Gerber_RS274X_eagle.zipZip folder containing gerber RS274X files for the control board PCB (generated using Eagle's "gerb274x" cam job)x-zip-compressed - 143.67 kB - 10/15/2017 at 09:54 |
Buoyancy_engine_connector_female_Gerber_RS274X_eagle.zipZip folder containing gerber RS274X files for the female pogo connector PCB (generated using Eagle's "gerb274x" cam job)x-zip-compressed - 9.05 kB - 10/15/2017 at 09:53 |
Buoyancy_engine_connector_male_Gerber_RS274X_eagle.zipZip folder containing gerber RS274X files for the male pogo connector PCB (generated using Eagle's "gerb274x" cam job)x-zip-compressed - 10.02 kB - 10/15/2017 at 09:49 |
Control_board_v0.2.1_drill_files.zipDrill files for the control board PCB generated using Eagle's "Excellon" cam job. There are two files "DRI" (Drill Station Info File) and "DRD" (NC Drill File).x-zip-compressed - 1.38 kB - 10/15/2017 at 09:59 |
Buoyancy_engine_connector_female_drill_files.zipDrill files for the female pogo connector PCB generated using Eagle's "Excellon" cam job. There are two files "DRI" (Drill Station Info File) and "DRD" (NC Drill File).x-zip-compressed - 842.00 bytes - 10/15/2017 at 10:01 |
Buoyancy_engine_connector_male_drill_files.zipDrill files for the male pogo connector PCB generated using Eagle's "Excellon" cam job. There are two files "DRI" (Drill Station Info File) and "DRD" (NC Drill File).x-zip-compressed - 856.00 bytes - 10/15/2017 at 10:08 |
Control_board_v0.2.1.brdbrd - 257.94 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:31 |
Buoyancy_engine_connector_female.brdbrd - 24.67 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:30 |
Buoyancy_engine_connector_male.brdbrd - 23.04 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:30 |
Control_board_v0.2.1.schsch - 568.98 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:31 |
Buoyancy_engine_connector_female.schsch - 28.09 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:30 |
Buoyancy_engine_connector_male.schsch - 24.03 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:30 |
Planetary_gearbox.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 2.55 MB - 10/14/2017 at 22:31 |
Printed_parts - Tail_endcap_shroud.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 3.73 MB - 10/14/2017 at 22:31 |
Printed_parts - Wing_mount.stlPrint 2Standard Tesselated Geometry - 981.33 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:31 |
Printed_parts - Pogo_header_slider_mount.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 2.99 MB - 10/14/2017 at 22:31 |
Printed_parts - Nosecone.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 7.17 MB - 10/14/2017 at 22:31 |
Printed_parts - Syringe_plunger_back.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 838.56 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:30 |
Printed_parts - Syringe_plunger_front.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 574.50 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:30 |
Printed_parts - Syringe_clamp_front.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 904.38 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:29 |
Printed_parts - Syringe_clamp_back.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 904.77 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:29 |
Printed_parts - Engine_endstop.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 67.66 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:29 |
Printed_parts - Buoyancy_engine_motor_mount.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 2.44 MB - 10/14/2017 at 22:29 |
Printed_parts - Pogo_header_front_mount.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 1.45 MB - 10/14/2017 at 22:29 |
Printed_parts - Roll_motor_mount.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 889.24 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:29 |
Printed_parts - Engine_end_connector.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 1.15 MB - 10/14/2017 at 22:29 |
Printed_parts - Fathom-S_mounting_bracket.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 446.27 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:28 |
Printed_parts - Exterior_bar_mount.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 306.33 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:28 |
Printed_parts - Engine_endcap_mount.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 598.91 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:28 |
Printed_parts - Pitch_motor_mount.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 1.87 MB - 10/14/2017 at 22:28 |
Printed_parts - Circuit_rack_endcap_mount.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 977.04 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:28 |
Printed_parts - Engine_bearing_fastener.stlPrint 2Standard Tesselated Geometry - 185.24 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:28 |
Printed_parts - Battery_mount_acme.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 1.15 MB - 10/14/2017 at 22:27 |
Printed_parts - Pixhawk_mounting_plate.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 132.99 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:27 |
Printed_parts - Circuit_rack_end.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 541.68 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:27 |
Printed_parts - Pogo_header_back_mount.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 166.49 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:27 |
Printed_parts - Buoyancy_engine_bearing_plate.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 1.13 MB - 10/14/2017 at 22:26 |
Printed_parts - Cable_chain_nut_holder.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 59.65 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:26 |
Printed_parts - Pitch_motor_back_plate.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 797.15 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:26 |
Printed_parts - Acme_motor_connector.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 782.41 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:26 |
Printed_parts - Battery_rods_cover.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 292.07 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:26 |
Printed_parts - Battery_mount_bearings.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 1.25 MB - 10/14/2017 at 22:26 |
Printed_parts - GPS_mounting_plate.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 95.20 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:26 |
Printed_parts - Battery_mount_connector.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 199.69 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:26 |
Printed_parts - Acme_bearing_front.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 272.35 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:25 |
Printed_parts - Acme_bearing_back.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 205.55 kB - 10/14/2017 at 22:25 |