NOTE: This project is gradually improving. It is fully functional at this point, but it could be better.
It started as a pen plotter based on the entrails of a printer. It uses a pen to draw paths from a vector graphics file(SVG file). I wanted to make it do something that I couldn't do by hand, so I fed it a complicated image, a pcb layout. I then thought "Why can't I replace the pen with a small router and make something truly useful?" So I'm setting out to do just that.
There are numerous DIY pcb mills out there, but their router bits alone cost more than the planned budget of this project. It's not that I can't afford it, I just want to see if this is possible. I'm open to ideas and criticism, so let me know what you think.
Ok so a few questions. You are limiting this to a PCB board? Just to save time etching? Making sure, if you wanted to do a full mill, customizing a 3d printer, I have alot of tips I could send your way.
Otherwise I cant see from the pictures.... how are you controlling the Z axis?
Ok nevermind saw the post below.... alright... well i guess do you have video of it working? Still not quite understanding how the Zaxis is working in this.
Anyways sometihng to look at offhand (just saw your comment about target budget)... You could try using the parts to make the z axis on the plate plane. Yes it would limit drilling area depending on the plane possibly, however It woul allow you to fix the motor directly to something solid... More stability in cutting from the motor itself instead of having it move. It might slow down cut time and youd have to configure a Zaxis bed, but... its an idea especially since you are just making shallow cuts here for pcb board.