I was looking for color coding standards and connectors for I2C, hopefully something cheap. I found Grove I2C connectors instead. Now I've ordered some connectors, cables and hubs to connect sensors and mcus - which hopefully makes developing and later adding new sensors easier.
I never came around to actually mount Johnnys head to my #R8-D8 - a distant relative of R2-D2 - it's possible to even motorize it later, but for now it's just fixed and transportation is way easier now! Currently in revision is a 3D printed case for the vl53l0x, to protect the module that replaces the interactive ultrasonic module. What other robot could I throw in there to mash up?
I've brought R8-J5, formally know as #R8-D8 - a distant relative of R2-D2 and #Johnny IV - I got a lot of questions like "what does it do?", first day the answer was "nothing", second day I've reactivated the eyes from the last log.
It needs a good power platform to start from, so I'll recycle some power bank batteries into a 2S cell. With the help of some cheap ebay modules and a switch.
I recently got a coupon for OSHpark and now that work finally cooled down and I also had some boards to do for work, I made a little connection board for ws2812b stuff. This board is basically what I did in my other project #RGB 16 Segment LED, the arduino/USB hub wouldn't power the LEDs, but when the external power bank was connected it would. A big cap holds some juice and the resistor is for protection.
Here is the basic protoboard version I'm too lazy to solder evereytime :D
I'm still trying to get the wire mess controlled, to have an easy point to come back on a later point in time. On the backside there will be a PCA9685 16-CHannel 12-Bit PWM Driver board used for the servos and getting along with the ws2812b LEDs. I've heard about timer issues and just wanted to be safe. The red and green boxes are tiny breadboards for arduinos and servos.
I'm jumping a bit through colors, because I've already used green and yellow and the servos are dark blue etc. ... I want to have him look interesting and colorful!
The mounting for the lower lids will be acetone "welded" on, once they are in the right position.
The parts for the eyes are in for a while now, 2x [8leds] neopixel rings and a HC-SR04 module. The rings have some weird 20degrees rotated mounting holes and I plan to desolder the ultra-sonic cans and mount them in the center. This part will be glued onto the other parts, once printed - updates will follow.
So here are the printed parts:
and next up printing is this peace, a mount for the servo eye brows.
I just found a pretty awesome instructables.com tutorial that shows how to make an iris. I'm really fascinated by this but am wondering, if it wouldn't be a total overkill. But just the thought of having an Iris reacting to light shining on it is awesome.
Is he alive? - nopes :( he and R8 are in suspend mode for now. My interests wandered off to other things, but I'll come back eventually. Maybe. Wuah, don't remind me of my forgotten projects :)
Chappie was weird, thanks to "Die Antwoord" and the story felt very familiar, but I bought it, story-wise and on blu-ray ;)
If I recall correctly, there are 2 movies with Johnny, the first one is playing more on a country side and the second one is the one with not Mahoney but the non-indian Actor playing the Indian in New York.
Ex Machina is well done, indeed - way better than transcendience with Depp :) Had to rewatch EM, when I saw that it was on amazon prime as well.
Is he alive? - nopes :( he and R8 are in suspend mode for now. My interests wandered off to other things, but I'll come back eventually. Maybe. Wuah, don't remind me of my forgotten projects :)
Chappie was weird, thanks to "Die Antwoord" and the story felt very familiar, but I bought it, story-wise and on blu-ray ;)
If I recall correctly, there are 2 movies with Johnny, the first one is playing more on a country side and the second one is the one with not Mahoney but the non-indian Actor playing the Indian in New York.
Ex Machina is well done, indeed - way better than transcendience with Depp :) Had to rewatch EM, when I saw that it was on amazon prime as well.