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Arduino Uno
Runs the main application
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Adafruit Wave Shield + Stacking Headers
Used to play sound clips
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Adafruit Proto Shield
Used to connect all the cruft to the arduino, and hold a small circuit for interfacing with the other components.
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Custom HV PSU
This power supply is built using Scrounged Computer PSU and TV parts
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Custom Control and Sense Board
Used to detect 'Hands' and control the PSU sequencing
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HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor
Used to detect subjects in room and 'Invite' them
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Custom Built Replica 'Pain Box' Prop
Built from Foam Board, Mod-Podge, etc to make the enclosure for the above
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OPTIONAL: Small Audio Amplifier
Small: 1W or so for more volume if needed
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Gutted, neutered, defunct Mouse
used for hand electrode and sensor holder
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Used to play the sounds
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12V Power supply
Powers the device