Idea besed on my #reDOT_smart and #reDOT . But with a approach to crate bigger "strings" of Matrixes to Display Strings. I am thinking about two components:
- 5x7 Matrix Board: One PCB with one Matrix on it. With castellated holes at the edge to solder it on the main board.
- Main board: Board with Controller, maybe some shift registers, drivers, interface and so on. 5 or 9 Matrix boards will get soldered on this board.
Main Milestones:
- Design and order 5x7 Matrix Board.
- Assamble the Matrixboard and test it
- Design Main board
- choose a Microcontroller
- Define Interface: Uart?
- chose LED-Matrix driving scheme
- Decide how man Matrixes per Mainboard
- Order Main board
- Assemble everything and show some ideas for use cases (I do have already one specific in mind, more later)
Woah! They look super neat!
Might buy some just for fun! (I have a project in need of a retro display like this, but it has to be bigger (20x80mm), but they look really cool nonetheless.