- The Arduino 328 chip has boot loader for ftdi & fuse settings to set low voltage protection to 1.8v & run at 8Mhz via the internal oscilator (avr programmer reuired.)
- Version 1 i have had produced and you see in the photos, this was my first pcb run, and there where a couple of minor problems, my reed switch had a wider whole spacing, and i needed to add a 100nF ceramic capacitor across the 328's vcc/gnd to smooth its voltage.
- Version 2 has some improvements, though i have not produced it.
- Version 3 has been converted to Eagle, ive dropped the reed switch spot, relocated the rf24 switch transistor out from under the radio, and changed radio wires/routing to eliminate need for jumper.
What method did you use to print the silk screen on PCB?