
Modular Keyboard for Limited Fine Motor Skills

Arcade Bottons, Joystick or Eyetracker?

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People with limited mobility, e.g. due to spastic tensions in their arms or hands, have great problems operating “normal” Human Interface Devices, vulgo: keyboards and mice.
Our [Elias, Lucca] project is a modular design that offers typing by selecting characters with big robust buttons or a joystick (think “arcade-Style”) and can be further operated by an eyetracker, if even these reduced movements cannot be executed flawlessly anymore.

The idea was triggered by a mail asking Elias sister (who did some medical engineering projects before, like a wheelchair operated by an eyetracker, or a vein detection device) if she could support a charity organisation operating mainly in Africa and helping orphans with handicaps. They build most of their support devices out of wood and would like to give mobility-limited kids access to a computer to type their thoughts – they have very few other chances of expressing themselves.

With this in mind we thought about a very easy, customizable and cheap solution using off the shelf parts readily available in most countries. Our idea was to reduce the “complexity” of a keyboard (in terms of fine-motor skills) to simple movements operating just a few buttons or pushing a joystick around. This can be a robust, arcade-style one, or a very small, filigree joystick operated by the tongue

Furthermore, the four actions for selecting characters to form words and sentences can be done with eye-movement alone: Up, down to choose from a list, right to process/confirm and left to correct mistakes can be either direct keypresses or eye-movements captured by a camera.


This is the Arduino Code so far - for use with an Arduino Leonardo

ino - 5.44 kB - 08/26/2018 at 11:10



Print this 5x; add support if your printer needs it ;-) designed for 9mm tubes for connecting

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 665.41 kB - 08/26/2018 at 11:09



case for the lcd display

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 404.38 kB - 08/26/2018 at 11:09



mounting the stand on the wood multiplex board

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 256.63 kB - 08/26/2018 at 11:09



the 123d design file

123dx - 184.97 kB - 08/26/2018 at 11:09


  • 1 × Arduino (Uno, better Leonardo for HID emulation)
  • 1 × LCD-Dotmatrix display 20x2
  • 4 × Arcade Switches or
  • 1 × Joystick (Arcade or filigran for operating by tongue)
  • 1 × modded Webcam for Eyetracking (later updates)

View all 6 components

  • Proper HID use of Modular Keyboard

    Johann Elias Stoetzer08/26/2018 at 10:45 0 comments

    Early Sunday morning, we just decided to check if we could just add proper HID functionality with a few lines of new code. The main part was already working. Lucca suggested to send the characters selected directly (and not wait for entire words, seperated by a space) - so we did just that. It's even better, because you can go back further and delete mistakes, not limited to the current word.

    Here is a little impression of it:

    What's next?

    • check dictionary letter by letter to map the frequency of letter combinations. We are working on the Python code for it (it millions of words to be checked character by character) ;-) Will be an interesting speed test for the computer :-))
    • build an eyetracker that just distinguishes between up/down/left/right
    • check back with professionals on improving and extending the device. Elias' grandnice has her own

      Physiotherapy Institute and is interested in the project. She offered us help as soon as we got some proper working prototypes... [Thanks, Renata :-) !]

  • Speed-Testing the Keyboard-Modules

    Johann Elias Stoetzer08/26/2018 at 10:24 0 comments

    With the modules ready and both having an LCD, we started a little competition...

    For the HaD Prize we printed a little welcome-message in the upper row of the LCD and made a speed-test for faster typing. We decided to type the name of our STEM club, SFB.Berlin.... ready, set, GO:

    And Lucca did clearly win our competition ;-)

    There is still room for improvement - e.g. we had the Joystick-Module sitting on top of the box, because the joysticks needs space below the board. Next improvement will include some woodwork again...

    We then designed some casing for the LCD driver board and some attachments and 3d-printed them. Here is a screenshot of how the entire construction should look line (files are along with code in the github repo):

    After everything was printed, we put it together and tested it. We are very proud to have reached this stage so quickly coming from breadboard, wires and sticky tape just a few days ago:

    Finally reached a presentable stage at our project...

  • Building Prototypes, Part II

    Johann Elias Stoetzer08/26/2018 at 10:20 0 comments

    The next day, Saturday, we met at Elias' home to continue our work for this competition...

    We still had a lot of fine work to do [very time consuming and a bit annoying, since progress seems to be slow than] - so this is us soldering again:

    We managed to get the input modules connected time by time and wanted to make them look as "professional" as we could. It's nice to have some fast results on a breadboard, but taking it up the next level to eliminate bad contacts, wires popping out of connections etc, is important if you actually want to build something reliable...

    Here is a close-up of one shield connected to the "Arcade-Button"-Module with proper cable mounting:

    Next step is to do the same with the "Joystick-Module"...

    Yes, nearly done... It took longer than we expected ;-)

    But we have two proper build prototypes, that can handle some rough input :-)

    Each has got it's own Arduino and an LCD. Next: testing them :-))

  • Building prototypes, Part I

    Johann Elias Stoetzer08/26/2018 at 09:55 0 comments

    Friday afternoon, school's out - time for the weekly meeting at our STEM club

    The very improvised "proof of concept" was the starting line for trying out code, working first time with a LCD and generally getting a better grip of the project.

    After school's out on Friday, we went to our afternoon STEM club to do some project word: check out for more information about the background...

    Our plan was to mount the Arcade Buttons and Joystick on multiplex wood plates for easier operation:

    And it was great fun, woodworking in a normal classroom...

    [But we did clean up afterwards ;-) ]

    We mounted the buttons and joystick in place and then started preparing all the connections and finally got to solder the first cables...

    And we had to solder the shields for easy attachment of the input devices to an Arduino, too:

    And finally, we fastened the joystick - so we now have two input methods for the flexible keyboard that we can further work with...

    After that - we had to stop for the day; it was Friday late afternoon and we had to leave - school would be locked down and the nice cleaning lady asked us kindly to leave, so she can do her job :-)

    But we got our two "keyboards" to continue work :-)

  • Proof-of-Concept: Typing own name...

    Johann Elias Stoetzer08/23/2018 at 15:15 0 comments

    We decided to build the fist proof-of-concept with an Arduino Uno we had at hand, a LCD to show the characters and words as well as 4 keys – the most simple setup possible. The next step would be to use the joystick instead. If everything works as intended, we move to an Arduino Leonardo (had the Uno lying around, not the Leonardo) to simulate keystrokes to a Computer.

    The colors correspond to movents for choosing a character, confirming or changing the text:

    • yellow: up (like the sun in the sky
    • blue:    down (like waterlevel)
    • green:  confirm, move to next character
    • red:      error, correct, move back

    This is done, so little kids can easy orient themselves with the colors if needed...

    In the pictures you can see the proof of concept - we can detect the keystrokes without any contact bounces and display the characters...

    Here Elias is typing his name...

View all 5 project logs

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