
T962A Controller with 5"/7" Touch TFT (*STM32*)

T962A Controller Drop-In (using *STM32H7*)

This is a drop-in replacement controller board for the T962A reflow oven, using the STM32H7

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STM32H7 CPU @400Mhz, 2MB on-chip flash

5.0" 800x480 Capactive-touch TFT display
(optional 7.0" 800x480 Capactivie-touch TFT)

64MB external SDRAM (LCD frame buffers, etc)

4 Max31855 on-board TC Sensors (K-type)

MicroSD socket for FatFS MicroSD (storing images, profiles, etc)

MAXIMUM profile lengths of 30 minutes

Hand draw full 30 minute profiles

Load and Save profiles to/from MicroSD card

built-in CPU temp for CPU fan control

PWM control of CPU fan (6Khz PWm)

120VAC Phase-cut control of COOLING FAN for true speed control
(via 8-bit cpu DAC and FL5160 AC Phase controller)

PWM control of heater/SSR (10Hz PWM)

USB & RS232 on-board interfaces

5v & 3.3v switching power supplies

Unused STM32 I/O pins brought out to debug pads

** board is fully grounded and can be screwed/grounded directly to oven case **

** AC is fused on board for short protection, etc **

** USB & RS232 Not yet coded up in software **

Finally, I marked this project as COMPLETE!!

I've finished and verified the latest 3.5 board is working, and the wifi add-on works, jumpers and header work for flashing, etc.  At this point there will be NO more hardware updates, the PCB design is complete.

From this point moving forward, all updates will be SOFTWARE ONLY  :)

I hope to have a v1.1.0 release within the next month or so, which will have initial wifi setup included, NO actual wifi usage with the oven, only the setup GUI that will allow you to configure and connect to your wifi, display the connection info, etc..

Also in the coming weeks I will enhance and finalize the build instructions, installation instructions, etc (adding the info for the 7.0" resistor changes for the backlight power), and also start working on a USER'S GUIDE, which will have photos and explanations of all the menus, sub-menus, etc.

*** FYI ***

This board is only $30 or so to make from JLCPCB, I highly suggest ordering from there or somewhere similar.. 

I had my last two version done from them, and they were awesome, zero issues.

(I only have the link to oshpark because you can share projects from there, but I do NOT recommend using them, as this board is $200 from them)

** All documents, source code, files, etc are all in one location, in the GITHUB repo linked from this project page **

PCB gerbers, etc are in the github repo, as well as you can download them from the oshpark link.


version 3.5 schematic (jpg format) *** Added NOTES for proper backlight setup for 5.0" & 7.0" LCDs ***

JPEG Image - 4.64 MB - 10/05/2019 at 21:58



Current user guide (not yet complete), keeping it up here as well on github, so anyone wanting a quick glance can open this up for reference...

Adobe Portable Document Format - 5.74 MB - 09/08/2019 at 13:05



Photo of assembled board, top... showing finished board (note: a few capacitors were left off when photo was taken)

JPEG Image - 1.42 MB - 08/08/2019 at 23:03



Photo of assembled board, bottom... showing installed 'esp32' wifi module..

JPEG Image - 1.17 MB - 08/08/2019 at 23:02



2nd Pic of PCB installed in oven

JPEG Image - 3.20 MB - 05/28/2019 at 11:29


View all 6 files

  • 06/05/2021

    PhillyFlyers06/05/2021 at 14:14 1 comment

    Hi All,

    Not sure if anyone at all has even tried to make this project, or done any variant of this to add a TFT to their reflow oven?

    I've been distracted with my other hobbies (R/C aircraft!)... but I've finally gotten back to finishing up my EE lab, which brought me back to needing to use my oven again :)

    ewWin/embedded graphics continue to improve and get easier to do, my biggest complaint about this project in it's current status, is I'm a terrible graphics designer :)   My GUIs in their current shape are 'ok', but definitely not pretty or make you go 'wow'..

    I'm going to try and take another stab at this, using all the latest ewWin tools and see what I can do, plus I never did finish up the WiFi code, and implementing a 'wifi' firmware update feature.. really need to do that...

  • 02/21/2020

    PhillyFlyers02/21/2020 at 12:17 0 comments

    Been a while since I worked on this!   Took some time off to work on some other things, so I'm finally coming back to this.  I did work on the WiFi setup code, etc a couple months ago, but just didn't have a chance to test it out and debug it up.

    Now that I'm coming back to this I'll finish up the WiFi code, and start looking at adding the capability to upgrade the software over the WiFi.  This may be quite tricky, so I'll see shortly if it's do-able or too insane to work out...

    I would like to eventually have a windows app that would allow a remote/RDP type capability, utilizing the WiFi, so you can essentially control your oven remotely over the wifi link, that would be awesome, and was a main part of the reason I wanted wifi in the first place.... 

    Maybe I can get lucky and find a developer that makes nice pretty windows GUIs to help out with this!  :)   I can make ok windows Apps, but I"m certainly not the best at it...

  • 10/14/2019

    PhillyFlyers10/14/2019 at 22:47 0 comments

    Updated the software to version 1.2.0, enhancing the manual 'draw' function a bit to have the touch interrupts and draw functions run out of ram to speed up execution a little.  (not too much improvement there yet since the gui library STemWIN still runs out of flash).

    Also cleaned up some more bugs and cleaned up some menu item things, etc.

    Now that things seem more stable, will focus on the WiFi code, as I got sidetracked looking for and fixing any remaining bugs.  I would like to add the capability to flash the firmware over the wifi connection, so I"ll be looking into this as well while working on the WiFi stuff.

  • 09/03/2019

    PhillyFlyers09/03/2019 at 23:43 0 comments

    Cleaned up this project page, and removed all redundant files that are already included in the main github repo (software link for this project)..

    software verson 1.1.0 will be posted tomorrow, contains a bunch of cleanup items, bug fixes, and the initial Wifi setup page, it's non-functional except for the enable/disable of the wifi module...

    (hopefully working WiFi setup will be in a 1.2.0 release in the next month or so )

  • 08/18/2019

    PhillyFlyers08/18/2019 at 23:55 0 comments

    Added an initial 'USER GUIDE', it's far from being complete, but wanted to get something going so you all can get a better idea of what these menus look like, etc.

    I currently don't have any easy way to export the actual screen contents from the board to my debug PC, so I can show the screens without having to take pictures of them with my phone camera!  but for now it is good enough.... they do look much nicer on the screen then these camera phone pictures show :)

  • 08/08/2019

    PhillyFlyers08/08/2019 at 23:08 0 comments

    Finally, I marked this project as COMPLETE!!

    I've finished and verified the latest 3.5 board is working, and the wifi add-on works, jumpers and header work for flashing, etc.  At this point there will be NO more hardware updates, the PCB design is complete.

    From this point moving forward, all updates will be SOFTWARE ONLY  :)

    I hope to have a v1.1.0 release within the next month or so, which will have initial wifi setup included, NO actual wifi usage with the oven, only the setup GUI that will allow you to configure and connect to your wifi, display the connection info, etc..

    Also in the coming weeks I will enhance and finalize the build instructions, installation instructions, etc (adding the info for the 7.0" resistor changes for the backlight power), and also start working on a USER'S GUIDE, which will have photos and explanations of all the menus, sub-menus, etc.

  • 08/01/2019

    PhillyFlyers08/01/2019 at 23:40 0 comments

    Received the rev3.5 board from the fab, working on populating it now, will finish it up this weekend, and will verify that the added updates for the ESP32 wi-fi board work, and it can be flashed, comms, work, etc.

    Once I verify that the esp32 board works, and everything else works as it all should, I will then post the update and will get back to working on the wifi menus, etc..

  • 07/22/2019

    PhillyFlyers07/22/2019 at 10:29 0 comments

    Alright, got the WiFi module added into the design, wired one up to my current board, and got it working, using a free GPIO pin to control the enable of the module, so we can have a checkbox in the settings GUI to enable/disable the entire module.

    Pretty sweet being able to do wifi and/or bluetooth, using a $3.80 part.

    First thing I'm going to get working for this, is to have the wifi settings page working with the module, so you can set your personal wifi settings, so the module can talk to your access point.. also allowing custom settings of IP or use DHCP.

  • 07/15/2019

    PhillyFlyers07/15/2019 at 23:38 0 comments

    Wow, this is awesome:

    Actually, probably going to use this one, as it has WI-FI & BLUETOOTH..

    (and it's only $3.80, vs. $2.70 for the wi-fi only one)

    I wanted from early on to have a simple way to do Ethernet/Wi-fi on this thing, but didn't have enough pins on the STM32 to use their built-in lan interface, but with an all-in-one wifi module, I can add this on without having to do any TCP/IP crap, as it's all built into the module..

    I'll look at seeing how easy it is to add this on as a cable-up connection to the UART2 header already on the current PCB, as well as seeing if it's easy enough to add this footprint to the bottom side of the PCB and possibly do another PCB update..

    we shall see, but the reason I really want network of some kind, is at least to do:

    1) network monitoring of real-time reflow, etc

    2) Software upgrades over the network, so you don't need to open up the oven at all!

    And for $2.70!!!   that is insanely cheap..

  • 07/14/2019

    PhillyFlyers07/14/2019 at 18:22 0 comments

    Working on two documents currently, to help installation and a user's guide... so hopefully this week I will add these two docs (here as well as in the github repo)

    1) Installation Guide

    2) Users Guide

    I will have pictures of all the GUIs/Menus, and some explanation of each, so you can better understand how it all works, and how to navigate around, etc..

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Nicolas Chaslot wrote 10/22/2018 at 08:02 point

Joining here to follow the progress of this version!
I'll try to be patient and not order the pic version for the moment haha :)

Keep up the good work :)

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PhillyFlyers wrote 11/11/2018 at 20:33 point

...moved to project log...

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Nicolas Chaslot wrote 11/12/2018 at 08:14 point

Haha yeah i know the feeeling of being overwelmed by projects ^^
Anyway, that's awesome!

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PhillyFlyers wrote 12/19/2018 at 00:22 point

...moved to project log...

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Nicolas Chaslot wrote 12/19/2018 at 08:35 point


No big deal, there's no rush, you're doing an awesome job :)
Good that all the magic smoke stayed where it belongs!

I'll probably just wait for the stm32 board anyway, i don't really see the point of making two successive updates, considering the oven kinda works already using some low-temp soldering paste and I didn't even have the time to run as many boards as i wanted to :)

I started looking at stm32 development too a few days ago and i must say that it's way more complicated than I initially thought, with a lot of different libs and files to gather from all around to make the thing to build!

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PhillyFlyers wrote 10/09/2018 at 21:25 point

FYI, please see the *details*, I've only just started this project, I'm just populating my 1st revision of a PCB now, then will have to start testing the hardware to see how many screw ups I made on the PCB...

So gonna be quite some time before this is doing anything cool to show :)

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