
The DIYson, an open source Cyclone vacuum cleaner

Why buying an expensive cyclone vacuum cleaner when you can build yourself one?

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Ever wanted one of those fancy cyclone vacuum cleaners, battery powered and with a nice design?
Don't you feel like you're about to spend 200-300 euros for a brand new one?

This is how the DIYson started: to benefit from 3D design, 3D printing, and the availability of affordable parts made for RC planes and cars, to create the first Open source cyclone vacuum cleaner.

The main benefits are the modularity of the system, that is easy to customize and repair.

This project is partecipating in the Hacakday Prize, so please like it to support it!

"Life has more meaning if we do we cleaning" Ad for robotic cleaners, from System shock 2 if I remember corrrectly.

The DIYson and the home:re:make, the beginning of a new movement?

The project was born after seeing the Dyson vacuum cleaner advertisement. The doubt that the description, with carefully-sought words, hid a relatively simple idea came into our minds. I did some research to understand how it worked, and what inspired them in turn. Understanding how it worked, I realized that the key components of the project could be implemented with RC model aircraft components, at a low cost since they are easily available.
In addition to having verified the hypothesis that it is possible to make a DIY cyclonic vacuum cleaner with very good performance (refining version 1), the project now has a broader vision: to create the “Maker version” of many household appliances, using modern components with the best value for money, to understand, compared to the commercial version of the same product, the areas of improvement and the cases in which the economic value and the technical characteristics are more distant. From a future point of view, the home:re:make project could also send a signal to companies, which would encourage them to improve the repairability and improve the functions of their products, knowing that there is someone who analyzes their products and reproduces them, maybe even better, publishing all the results with the open source formula.

The DIYson: History
The idea behind the cyclone vacuum cleaner is based on dust collectors design, that have been around since 1921. A dust collector is a system used to enhance the quality of air released from industrial and commercial processes by collecting dust and other impurities from air or gas. Designed to handle high-volume dust loads, a dust collector system consists of a blower, dust filter, a filter-cleaning system, and a dust receptacle or dust removal system.
Sir James Dyson then in 1978, decided to build a better device than the popular vacuums of the day, and based its concepts on the dust collector design.
Dust collector/cyclone vacuum cleaner principle
A sketch of a Dyson vacuum from 1991.


Solidworks files

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(For DIYson V1)

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(For DIYson V1)

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(For DIYson V1)

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 329.57 kB - 05/23/2019 at 09:19



(For DIYson V1)

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 115.32 kB - 05/23/2019 at 09:19


View all 10 files

View all 18 components

  • Stress test of the DIYson V2

    Madaeon08/31/2019 at 16:06 0 comments

    I had to clean the working area of my CNC after a quite long plexiglass milling. The DIYson V2 did quite a good job!

  • The DIYson V2 is assembled and working!

    Madaeon08/23/2019 at 16:46 0 comments

    The latest version (V2) is now assembled and tested. Some improvements are still possible, but for now I am happy with the results. Video has been recorded with the battery almost empty, normally it has mouch more power!

    For future upgrades, I will design and 3d print some adaptors so the DIYson can also work as a leaf blower, and maybe other functions too. I also plan to add post motor Hepa filter, the top part has a thread so I can easily add it later.

  • The DIYson V2

    Madaeon08/22/2019 at 14:06 1 comment

    I finished the design for the DIYson V2. The old one will be still available, so you can decide to build the V1 (simpler, cheaper) or the new V2. Cost is slightly higher (better battery, added electronics, some components like the plexiglass tube) but you will have the new improved version.

    Main updates from V1 to V2:

    • 4 Cell battery instead of 2 Cells. Fan power is now almost double.
    • LCD display showing the current fan power and charge of the 4 cells of the battery.
    • Analog joystic for fan control. Joystick has 2 axis and button so in the future a more complex interface can be designed.
    • Arduino for ESC control, showing charge of the battery.
    • Battery is now encased, more protected.
    • Transparent container for dust, illuminated by leds, with bottom cap removable, held by magnets.
    • Inner filter part is also held by magnets.

    The new design is now being assembled.

  • Choosing the correct battery...

    Madaeon07/29/2019 at 18:18 0 comments

    The first step in the design of the DIYson 2.0 is optimizing the performances. It turned out that the first EDF I had choosen was expected to run with 4S Lipos. The battery I had been using was just 2S, so it was not providing enough power. Now I have just received the new Lipo: 5000mah, 4S, 40-50C (that is also another important value, it is not recommended to go below 40C), and the difference is huge!

  • Planning the V2

    Madaeon06/28/2019 at 17:55 0 comments

    I have selected the parts for version 2.0: (Still from Hobbyking, they have good prices and a lot of choice, still figuring out how to contact them and ask if they could sponsor in some way the project).

    A more powerful EDF and battery should give a good suction power. The cyclone design will be improved thanks to your hints and tips! Hepa filter on top also, and transparent container for the dust.

  • V2?

    Madaeon05/23/2019 at 09:13 0 comments

    Design for V2 is started!

    Slightly bigger container, maybe transparent, better design of the cyclone path and placement of air outlet, thanks to your suggestions! Hepa filter on outlet too, and improved hand grip and trigger, are just some of the features. Maybe small display of battery left and integrated charging...

  • Testing the DIYson

    Madaeon05/15/2019 at 14:53 1 comment

    It works! There are still a lot of improvements to the design that can be added, as some of you pointed out, but for this first version, I think we are happy how it works. Probably next version I should use a slightly bigger EDF with 1kg thrust instead of 0.5Kg, price is more or less similar.

    Battery lasts more or less 20 minutes.

  • Testing the assembly

    Madaeon05/13/2019 at 10:51 0 comments

    It works! Now is time to 3d print the remaining parts. The whole system is designed to be modular, so I can focus on the multi stage design, air filtration where the air exits, best design for the air intake later.

  • Testing the 3D printed trigger system

    Madaeon05/13/2019 at 10:46 0 comments

    Pulling the trigger rotates the trimmer on the servo tester. The gears ratio has been designed so that pulling the trigger (a movement of about 25mm) is converted into 270 degrees of rotation of the trimmer.

    To get it work on first try, I measured the PCB and size of all the components of the servo tester. Then I created a 3d model in Solidworks of the servo tester. I downloaded the Step files of some gears with the correct ratio from SDP/SI, then modified them to fit. 

  • Design for easily (home) manufacturing

    Madaeon05/13/2019 at 10:33 2 comments

    This picture shows the design that I made for the first iteration. Some prior decisions were made before starting to sketch:

    • Custom parts should be 3D printable at home; they should be as compact as possible, so 3D printing of the parts does not take days to make them.
    • The LIPO battery will be also the handle of the vacuum cleaner. A 2 part bracket will keep it connected to the main body.
    • The battery must be easily taken out of the system, if necessary, and must be rechargeable without taking it out.
    • A standard servo tester will be used. It is normally contrlled by rotating a trimmer. A gear-based system will be designed to control it with one hand, pulling a trigger.
    • Air intake system has to be modular.

View all 12 project logs

  • 1
    (V1 and V2) Order all the RC - related parts

    Order the Lipo battery, EDF fan, ESC, servo tester if you also want to test the EDF before your controlling circuit is ready. Maybe also a lipo battery tester so you can double check if your circuit works as intended. Don't forget to order Lipo charger, XT 60 or XT 90 adapters (male and female), so you don't have to order other things in a separate order after you received all the things, and notice you have missed something! (as I did)

  • 2
    (V1 and V2) OPTIONAL: Dynamically balance the EDF unit with your cellphone​

    I did not do this step, but it is really recommended to reduce noise and improve performances and battery duration.

  • 3
    (V1 and V2) 3D Print all the parts.

    Download the 3d STL files. They have been printed on a Zortrax M200, but any filament machine should work.

View all 7 instructions

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kaxax77452 wrote 06/19/2021 at 07:36 point

Yes this is looking very impressive project I like this vacuum cleaner. I am also working on vacuum guide project that is very similar to it.

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 03/09/2021 at 00:50 point

home:re:make - I had the idea of one good multi-cooker when I wanted to try sous-vide & found even the cheapest ones were expensive. So I made one from a deep-fat fryer (cheapest heated pot) & a PID for about £25. The thing is, it's the exact same components for a slow-cooker, rice-cooker, air-fryer etc. Add a presure-sealed lid & you've got about a dozen-in-one.

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Madaeon wrote 03/09/2021 at 10:22 point

Yes, that's the idea!

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Eric wrote 05/05/2020 at 14:48 point

Are the v2 files the same as v1, or yet to be released?

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Andrey V wrote 08/23/2019 at 18:36 point

Anybody can find complete product ion ali for around 100$) But for enthusiasts it is interesting, I think) 

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Madaeon wrote 08/26/2019 at 08:08 point

You are right, a similar product can be found withnin that range of price.

The goal of the overall project is to create the “Maker version” of many household appliances, using modern components with the best value for money, to understand, compared to the commercial version of the same product, the areas of improvement and the cases in which the economic value and the technical characteristics are more distant. The home:re:make project can also send a signal to companies, to encourage improving the repairability andfunctionality of their products, knowing that there is someone who analyzes their products and reproduces them, maybe even better, publishing all the results with the open source formula.

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Andrey V wrote 08/26/2019 at 09:21 point

I think Dyson is the cutting edge technology product and it is not possible to create DIY product with the same characteristics, because of high complexity. But never to late to try) 

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Ken Yap wrote 08/21/2019 at 15:43 point

I like the grin on the user's face. Watch out dust, I'm coming for you!

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Charlie Lindahl wrote 08/09/2019 at 19:23 point

Looks like the cost of the plexiglass tube increases the price a fair amount.

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Madaeon wrote 08/20/2019 at 08:48 point

With 50 euros you can have 7 plexiglass tubes, already cut. Yes, it is more expensive than the Isiplast vat. You can build the DIYson V1 that has a cheaper BOM or the new DIYson that has better performances and refined design, with a BOM slightly more expensive. :)

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Charlie Lindahl wrote 08/09/2019 at 19:22 point

So looking at the video vs. the component list, is the plexiglass tube necessary or did you just use a roll from paper towels? 

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Madaeon wrote 08/20/2019 at 08:49 point

The ISIplast vat (black) is replaced in the DIYson V2 by a plexiglass tube.

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Martin wrote 07/30/2019 at 09:40 point

I don't see the need for a 40C battery. At 5Ah that would be 200Amps or with 4s about 3kW - way too much power. And that would only mean about 1minute of run time, that's way too less. I own a 4s 5Ah 20C battery which I used to start my car when it's battery was down due to e fault in the electrical system - no problem at all for about 10 to 15 times.

I have a Dyson, I think it has a 5s battery and run time is about 20min on low setting (65W) and 7 min on high (150W). I always use the high setting and the time is mostly sufficient.

So I would opt for a little more power like 300W to 400W (20A or 4C in your case) but with 3kW you can probably fly yourself :-)

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jusTSean wrote 05/22/2019 at 20:39 point

Its about damn time!!! :)

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neil wrote 05/22/2019 at 19:41 point

Great project and something I'd like to add to my own Ardusaw project (on thingiverse) as a dust collector ! FWIW, you can use the Ardusaw arduino driver for the ESC rather than using a servo tester - it forms the same function, but overcomes the ESC safety timing bootup issue - just use a regular switch rather than faff about with triggers :-)) I really do like the name too - very original :-)))))))))

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Madaeon wrote 05/23/2019 at 09:15 point

Hi, do you have a link at you Ardusaw? I was not able to find it on Thingiverse

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neil wrote 05/23/2019 at 10:20 point

Oops, instructables, not thingiverse, sorry 😁

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Madaeon wrote 06/05/2019 at 12:38 point

I had a look at the ardusaw, it seems I can replace the servo tester with an arduino, and it can be programmed to send impulses to control the speed also?

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Antiklesys wrote 05/18/2019 at 10:50 point

It's amazing to see another fellow Italian make such an interesting project entry!

I can't wait to see your development updates and I would really be interested in helping on this project if possible. I have experience in creating electric circuits, 3d printing, cad modeling and so on. Let me know if there's an opportunity to help out :)

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Madaeon wrote 05/23/2019 at 09:17 point

Thanks! I have posted STLs on thingiverse and on this page too. Later I will post Step files too. If you want to help improving the design, feel free to edit them, or suggest modifications too!

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Mike Szczys wrote 05/17/2019 at 17:52 point

I think RC hobby brought very high quality motors, ESC, and batteries onto the scene and now we get a bunch of clever hacks that is them in different ways like this. Love it! Also, DIYson is a brilliant name :-D

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Blo0dygeek wrote 05/13/2019 at 03:27 point

Good name for your project,plus wonder how the whole vacuum works and looking forward to more specific information about it , plz keep updating.


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Madaeon wrote 05/13/2019 at 10:33 point

Sure! I am adding a lot of detail in the next days

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