
64-bit 3D printer,Run marlin on RaspberryPi

Run Marlin & Octoprint on Raspberry Pi directly

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1.better prints at faster speedsIf you want to do more higher speed or print some short line or corner the higher process speed is very important,otherwise there will be some slight on the surface. so 32 bit MCU is better,but if you want add more function like web camera,HDMI LCD... little space,for friendly easy to use this PandaPi runs on the powerful Raspberry Pi is the best.
2.Octoprint + marlin.the marlin code is very stable and are familiar with us, if we have a good idea or control algorithm, we can change it easily.
3.No arduino, no compile.
1.Support mixed use of 3V-24V fans
2.optocoupler for bed proximity sensor
3.Low temperature mosfet at high curre


  1. what's the difference from Klipper

    PandaPi: use RPi to control 3D printer directly,except the temperature control which is just to maintain the temperature.

    Klipper: uses a RPi to parse G-code,map out curves,set accelerations,and then send the motor command to the MCU via uart.

  2. Why is there a mcu?

    RPi has not enough GPIO pin for handle all the motors,hotend,bed,endstop,LCD,auto bed level,run out sensor.

  3. how do this assure the real time control?

    about the real-time, I did a test . it is not real time actually,but we guarantee motor coordination. and the RPi is more than fast enough that it is not a problem.and I test it with pi4 the cpu speed is quickly than pi3! BTW I test it with all the function like camera octoprint,they are used a lot of RAM but little CPU.

  4. there is a great improve to the pandapi software for high speed printing with high pressure cpu loaded. here is the a test.this is the output signal of the one raspberryPI'GPIO,and displayed by the oscilloscope.


Panda Pi sheild circuit schematic

Adobe Portable Document Format - 100.91 kB - 08/26/2019 at 02:20


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Films4You wrote 12/23/2020 at 23:58 point

No servo ports??

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mark wrote 12/24/2020 at 00:42 point

there is one servo port for BLtouch.

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metalbug wrote 04/24/2020 at 02:34 point


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mark wrote 04/24/2020 at 03:33 point


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jedisintraining3 wrote 04/15/2020 at 04:30 point

One of the truly most amazing projects I have seen so far! Keep it up, I hope to be buying soon. 

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mark wrote 04/24/2020 at 03:32 point

thank you so much!

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TheMinerHD wrote 04/03/2020 at 00:49 point

You're listing a rpi3b/+ as well as an rpi4b. Wich one would you recommend using/ is there a real difference between those two? I have an rpi3b+ which i would use if its working fine in this configuration/ there istnt a big difference. If there is a decently noticable difference i would buy a rpi4b and use the rpi3b+ for octoprint only. 

Thank you for providing such a nice product. :)

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mark wrote 04/14/2020 at 01:29 point

Thanks for your support, if we want to run more software on pi, the cpu of pi4 is  faster and better.

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furkanbr wrote 12/09/2019 at 01:13 point

that looks awesome! how did you run marlin firmware on linux is that possible !

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mark wrote 12/28/2019 at 11:48 point

thanks!If you know how the marlin and the Linux works,and some porting experience, that's not difficult. 

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furkanbr wrote 01/09/2020 at 01:17 point

how can i learn this porting work my friend , what is the name of this work ? i think this is so cool i would love to know that

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Eirik wrote 11/27/2019 at 14:11 point

Going to ordner one for christmas as a gift from the kids ;) Just curious if its possible to use an Orion precision piezo kit with this controller, the voltage is ok, but wondering how to wire it as the Orion kit only uses signal, ground and power, versus the bltouch that has 5 wires in total. 

Best of regards 


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mark wrote 12/03/2019 at 12:55 point

Hi Eirik,   Thank you very much!  here you can find how to wiring  hope you can have fun with it!

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nife87 wrote 11/01/2019 at 04:39 point

Just a quick remark: The X gantry on the CE3 in the video looks severly inclined, especially noticeable when ABL is performed.

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mark wrote 11/01/2019 at 09:34 point

that's why we use the ABL that can calibration it

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Daimein2007 wrote 10/12/2019 at 01:18 point

Just received a project board and will be doing some testing and posting some results with video. Very excited to see what this little jewel can do.

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mark wrote 10/12/2019 at 03:22 point

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