
Trekulator - Where No Maker Has Gone Before

Phase One: Make a reproduction of the Mego Corporation Star Trekulator Calculator. Phase Two: Reimagine the device with a modern aesthetic.

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I had no idea that the Mego made Star Trekulator Electronic Calculator existed until I saw Al Williams' July 19, 2024 post "RETRO CALCULATOR PANDERS TO TREKKIES… OR TREKKERS". I was hooked even before I got to the fourth paragraph where Al wrote:

"Honestly, we want to 3D print a case to replicate this with modern insides that can drive a display to put different Trek clips and sound effects out. Now, that would be something. Maybe [Michael Gardi] can take a look at it when he’s got a spare minute."

So my plan is to spend a lot of spare minutes having some fun with a Trekulator reproduction plus I want to create a "Next Generation" model.


Lately Hackaday has been my muse!

My MCM/70 Reproduction was inspired by Kristina Panos February 23, 2022 blog post: INPUTS OF INTEREST: CANADIAN MCM/70 WAS KINDA LIKE THE FIRST CYBERDECK. Here was a  beautiful Canadian built personal computer from the mid 70s that I had no idea existed. I had to learn more.

The Commodore CHESSmate Reproduction I did was triggered by the November 14th, 2023  post: THE QUAINT HISTORY OF THE COMMODORE CHESSMATE in combination with having just met Peter R. Jennings, author of MicroChess.  Fate? Coincidence? Either way I felt compelled to move forward.

With Al Williams July 19, 2024 post: RETRO CALCULATOR PANDERS TP TREKKIES... OR TREKKERS it was love at first sight. I was hooked by the whole retro future look of the Trekulator, and it didn't hurt the that units were made using my favorite blue color.  

First Steps

I was lucky enough to find a sort of reasonably priced Trekulator for sale on eBay.  It was just the unit itself with no box or instructions plus it doesn't power up (hence the lower cost). As usual, shipping and customs charges (I'm in Canada) added about 66% of the original cost to the total. Sigh.  However, given the choice of trying to model something from an original or from photos, I'll pick (and pay for) a real object any day.  The Trekulator photo at the top of this project is the one I purchased. 

Perhaps a Phase Three project will be to try and get the Trekulator working, but right now I'm keen on 3D modelling the case as my first step.

  • Wire Wrangling

    Michael Gardi01/14/2025 at 20:32 0 comments

    With all of the Trekulator components wired and tested I turned to packaging everything into the case. I had already decided that I would create a PCB to bring some order to the wiring chaos.

    I think there are a couple of I/O pins still available on the ESP32 but not many. So I got to work on the PCB. 

    After struggling a bit to get the last couple of traces attached without having to create a via, I broke down and decided to just do a 4-layer board. For the cost difference in fabrication, for what is essentially a one-off, I decided it was worth it. 

    As I mentioned in a previous log, this PCB is the same size as the KeyPad PCB and will be installed directly above the KeyPad.

  • Mounting the TFT Display

    Michael Gardi01/14/2025 at 19:51 0 comments

    I modified the Trekulator large display model to include an indentation to mount the TFT Display.  As with the keyboard/CPU panels, tabs are used to secure the display in place.

    With this change the inside of the case is 95% done. I still have to work in an external power connector and ON/OFF switch. 

  • Adding a TFT Display

    Michael Gardi01/14/2025 at 17:33 0 comments

    The original Trekulator has four red LEDs imbedded into the still picture of Kirk, Spock, and Uhura. 

    I was about to start adding these when I had a thought. My intention all along was to mount a real display back there for my Next Generation implementation. It occurred to me that with a display I could easily emulate the LEDs for an "authentic" original experience so I decided to avoid some rework and jump directly to adding a display.

    I had purchased a 3.5 Inch TFT Display for this purpose. It has 480 x 320 resolution, a touch screen, and an integrated SD card reader; all of which use an SPI interface keeping the I/O pin count down.  The display is based on the ILI8488 driver chip which is well supported library wise. These modules are readily available and relatively cheap.

    The screen itself is not wide enough to fill the whole Trekulator display area, but the height is pretty close so I think I can make this work.

    I added the display/touch/SD card to my breadboard and wired it to the ESP32.  I removed the Adafruit MicroSD Card Breakout Board since I no longer needed it. I am using the TFT_eSPI library to communicate with the display devices. The library come with many great examples to test the device. Below is a "Cellular Automata"  test of the display.

    I also tested the SD Card and touch capabilities. With the display working, all of the components for my Trekulator reproduction are in place. Now I just have to figure out how to cram all of this into the case, and oh ya write calculator program.

  • Mounting the Keypad

    Michael Gardi12/12/2024 at 16:36 0 comments

    I designed a mounting block for the Trekulator keypad.

    I attached this with CA glue to the back of the front panel. To ensure the alignment of the keys with the holes I glued the mounting block to the back with the fully populated PCB in place.

    With the keypad PCB in place I added the spacer ring (right side of the first image above). I created the block with a depth that can accommodate two PCBs. I did this having decided that I will create a second PCB to hold the ESP32, I2S, microSD reader, and amplifier cards. This second PCB will be the same size as the keypad and will greatly simplify the overall Trekulator wiring. In the rightmost picture immediately above I have used a keypad PCB as a placeholder for this new board, and used some 3D printed clips to hold everything in place.

  • Adding the Keypad

    Michael Gardi12/06/2024 at 18:24 0 comments

    The PCBs for the Trekulator keypad arrived this week. They look pretty good.

    So I populated a PCB with switches, diodes, and headers. When I wired it up to the ESP32 I realized that I had a small issue. 

    The ESP32 has 40 GPIO pins, however only 22 of those pins are available as "unencumbered" INPUTS and 19 as OUTPUTs. By unencumbered I mean can be used without fear of clashing with special purpose functions like SPI flash, Rx, and Tx.  Furthermore, of the INPUTS, only 10 have internal pull-ups and 7 have internal pull-downs (supposedly). So in general you have to be very careful when selecting IO pin usage on an ESP32.  More so than in the Arduino world.

    My Trekulator keypad PCB was designed with no external pull-down resistors because I had assumed that I would use MCU's internal pull-downs. In addition to the lack of IO pins with pull-downs I was having problems using pins that were supposed to have internal pull-downs. So in the end I decided to add external 10K pull-down resistors on the column lines of the matrix.  Worked great. You can see in the rightmost image above where I bodged five 10K resistors to the column lines and tied them to ground. I have updated the KiCad design to include the resistors, 

    With all of the pieces in place I did an integration test.

    Now all I have to do is figure out how to get all of this stuff to fit into the Trekulator case, and oh ya, write a calculator program. No problem. 

  • Keypad PCB

    Michael Gardi11/13/2024 at 18:09 0 comments

    I finally got around to designing a PCB for the Trekulator keypad. I used KiCad 7.0 to do the design.  It's a pretty straight forward 4 row by 5 column matrix. I did  add a diode per switch in order to be able to register "chorded" key presses for my next generation version. 

    PCB layout is another task that I really enjoy, especially with a simple design like this one. There is something relaxing about getting all the components in just the right positions and routing the traces so they look good without having to create any unnecessary vias.  It can be like a very satisfying puzzle.

    I'm also very impressed with KiCad's 3D view. I couldn't find a switch model with square buttons but otherwise it's perfect. I used the 3D view file to create a "dummy" populated PCB that I will use to finish the case w.r.t. mounting the PCB while I wait for the actual ones to ship. 

  • Keypad Considerations

    Michael Gardi10/01/2024 at 15:55 0 comments

    I turned my attention to the Trekulator keypad. My plan is to design a PCB with a pretty standard 4 row by 5 column matrix requiring a total of 9 IO pins to read. I had a bunch of 12 mm x 12 mm push button switches left over from my CHESSmate project that I could use. Here is what one looked like.

    Since the keycaps for the buttons have one correct orientation, and given the round protruding knob, I wondered how I could lock the keycap to that position. I could glue it in place but for me glue is a last resort. This is one idea that I came up with.

    The square base slipped over the base of the switch with enough clearance to shift up and down as the button was pressed but locking the keycap to the correct orientation. While this would have worked it felt a little kludgy to me. The keycap had to be printed in two parts and glued together (ugh) and it just didn't look right.

    I hit up DigiKey and found the following.

    The square knob solves the orientation issue leading to a much simpler keycap. 

    Much better.  I guess the lesson learned here is that you shouldn't necessarily force a design just because you have some parts on hand. Sometimes spending a few extra bucks is the way to go.

    Just for fun I grabbed a standard protoboard and laid out 20 switches in a 4 x 5 grid. To my surprise the buttons aligned perfectly with holes in the Trekulator (on 18 mm centers). So I made a set of Trekulator keycaps to try it out.

    The switches are just set into the protoboard not soldered. I wanted to check how everything fit together, nicely I must say. The buttons work great and have a nice feel, better than the membrane keypad on the original. For a second I considered wiring the keypad point to point as is on the protoboard, but ultimately decided to proceed with a custom keypad PCB which is what I will work on next.

    CORRECTION: While I was laying out the keypad PCB I realized that this "coincidental" alignment was not quite true. The protoboard through holes are 2.54 mm apart. The buttons on the original Trekulator are in fact on 18 mm centers. With standard spacing the closest that you can get to 18 mm centers is 17.78 mm (2.54 mm x 7). Close enough that the buttons line up pretty well but not perfectly. I suspect that they worked as well as they did because the switches were not soldered in and thus had a some "flexibility" when pushing through the case holes. I corrected this alignment issue in the PCB.

  • Sounding Off

    Michael Gardi09/21/2024 at 15:37 0 comments

    I added an Adafruit I2S 3W Class D Amplifier Breakout - MAX98357A module and an Adafruit MicroSD Card Breakout Board+ [ADA254] so that I could play sounds starting with the original Trekulator’s “calculating” sound. There were cheaper modules available but I like to reward Adafruit whenever I can for their hard work especially w.r.t. library creation and maintenance. The amplifier is I2S based and the card reader is SPI based so only 7 IO pins are required. I based the setup on an excellent DroneBot Workshop article Sound with ESP32 - I2S Protocol.

    Of course this sets me up for producing many sounds for my Next Generation project.

    Given how jarring the “computing” sound is, I’m not surprised that the speaker wires on my original unit and one of the Computer History Archives Project’s units were snipped. I think I’ll find a better alternative for my reproduction.

  • 7-Segment Display

    Michael Gardi09/15/2024 at 16:38 0 comments

    I purchased some MAX7219 based 7-Segment displays and reworked the case "small display" model to hold the display. The digits are larger than on the original and the color is wrong but I think I can live with that. 

    I had an ESP32 on hand and have decided to use it for this project. It's total overkill for the straight calculator version, but will hopefully have the horsepower to allow me to do some cool stuff for the "Next Generation" build. The display's 3-pin SPI interface leaves a lot of I/O pins available for other stuff.

  • Original Trekulator Working Better?

    Michael Gardi09/10/2024 at 19:49 0 comments

    So I was demonstrating the Trekulator to someone and at first it wasn't working correctly. The unit would power up but the buttons were not working. After a couple of power cycles the keys started working again and the = sign would now play the sound (badly as before) but would update the display with the result of the last operation. Yay. Seems to be holding after multiple reboots so fingers crossed.

    I had another quick look at the speaker. When I first opened up the Trekulator I noticed that there were two short wires soldered to the PCB that had obviously been cut, and I just assumed that they were for the speaker. To verify this I watched the Computer History Archives Project video again and captured the following two screen shots:

    The one on the left is from the unit with the working speaker, and on the right from the one where the speaker had been removed.  Notice the blue and white wires in both images almost certainly verifying where the speaker was attached.  Unfortunately for me this is exactly where I attached my speaker so I now know that wiring is not the reason my unit does not emit the "calculating" tones correctly. This will require further investigation, but then again maybe it will "just start working" down the road. It could happed ;-)

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