
CIJ Printer

An Open Source Continuous Inkjet Printer

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Here I'm trying to build a CIJ Printer by myself from common parts that you can buy online and in your local hardware store.

In my last inkjet project I built a piezo inkjet printer from scratch made of cheap electronics, pneumatic and 3D printed parts. I could get it to work, but I had a few problems with the reliability. The drop size was quite large, keeping the ink supply pressure steady was quite difficult and sometimes there formed drops on the nozzle or air got sucked into the printhead what both prevented the printhead from working. There also was a problem with clogging of the nozzle when not in use.

So I looked for a more reliable printing method and choosed Continuous Inkjet Printing.

CIJ printing is (as far as I know) only used in industrial or production applications and therefore super reliable. CIJ printers are working for years 24/7 with only minor maintenance. 

Even though CIJ printers have much more parts than piezo or thermal inkjet printers, all parts have a decent size - no sub millimeter dimension like piezo and thermal inkjet nozzles, so working on them, fixing problems and maybe also manufacturing them will be a lot easier.

How CIJ Printing works:

Here I will describe you in my own words based on my experience with my printer model how CIJ Printing works. The printer I have is an older model that uses pressurized air and vacuum instead of a special ink pump, what I think is really cool because it keeps everything simple and you can use any air and vacuum supply that you want.

Animation from Wikipedia

CIJ printers need two different fluids to work - Ink and Make Up Fluid. 

Both fluids get mixed by the printer to reach the right viscosity. The make up fluid is essentially a solvent to dilute the ink.

My printer has an ink mixing assembly in which the ink get mixed and also the not used ink returns to. The chamber of it is set under vacuum and the adding of ink and make up fluid is controlled by two pneumatic driven rubber valves.

From the ink mixing chamber the ink gets transfered to a viscosity measuring cylinder by a pneumatic rubber pump. The ink cylinder is pressurized and connected to the nozzle which has a valve that stays closed until it reaches a certain pressure to prevent the ink from dripping from the nozzle when not under the right pressure. The pneumatic driven rubber pump is driven with 1 bar above set ink pressure to be able to pump the ink into the cylinder through an ink filter. The pump also has check valves at the in and outlet.

The cylinder has a floating magnet in it and multiple reed switches to detect the ink level. For measuring the viscosity the printer measures the time that it takes to empty the cylinder and according to the set flow time the printer adds ink or make up to the ink chamber - or nothing if everything fits and the ink level in the ink mixing chamber is high enough (it also has a floating magnet and reed switches). The viscosity is measured to get the same print quality at all times during operation.

The next step in the cycle is the printhead.

The "low pressure limit valve" at the printhead is connected to the nozzle which contains a piezo crystal that is driven with a frequency that breaks the ink stream up into dropplets using the Plateau–Rayleigh Instability. 

After the nozzle there follows a tunnel that is driven by a high voltage to charge the dropplet and after this there follows a high voltage deflection plate to kick dropplets out of the stream to form pattern on the printed surface.

The unused ink streams right into an ink return block which is connected to a sensor that prooves whether the charging has worked and from there it get sucked back into the ink mixing chamber by vacuum to close the cycle.

I think the pneumatics, hydraulics and their control circuits are quite simple and would not be very complicated to build for an open source system.

The electrical control of the printhead at the other hand, like the nozzle piezo drive, charging, deflection and sensing signal are more complicated,...

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  • New Ink for the Printer

    Dominik Meffert02/25/2025 at 06:17 0 comments

    Until now, I used a mix of polyvinyl butyral and ethanol as ink for the printer, and even though PVB worked well for regulating the viscosity of the mix, the dried-up ink layer had bad adhesion properties so that it was constantly peeling off into flakes which gave it a very dirty look. 

    PVB / Ethanol Ink
    The PVB Layer was easy to peel off

    Because of that, I started searching for other ethanol-based inks.


    The first thing I found was shellac, which was often used as an alcohol-based furniture varnish in the past. 

    So, I went to the hardware store to get a small bottle of it for testing out the surface finish.

    Bottle of Shellac from the Hardware Store

    To test for the surface quality, I poured a small amount of it into the drip tray and let it dry.

    After waiting some time, I checked the surface quality, and it looked very promising.

    The shellac made a smooth, clear, shiny, and nonsticky surface with good adhesion to the stainless steel of the drip tray.

    Since the varnish is alcohol-based, it was also possible to fill up the bottom of the tray with ethanol and let it dissolve the shellac, which makes cleaning it up very easy.

    So, I ordered a bag of shellac for loading it into the printer.

    Bag of Shellac
    Mixing Ethanol with Shellac

    Higher Concentration gives the Ink a brownish Color
    Running the Printer with Shellac

    It turned out that the shellac flakes were easy to mix with ethanol, and depending on the concentration, the color reached from orange to dark brown. It also worked well to change the viscosity based on the concentration.

    When testing the charge + feedback signal it also worked as well as before.

    All in all, it can be said that shellac-based ink is superior to PVB ink with a nice surface finish and an easy preparation process.

    The only drawback of it could be the brown color and the fact that shellac is made by shellac lice, which could maybe raise ethical concerns.

    For this reason, I continued testing out other inks.

    Plant-based Varnish

    The next thing I tried was colophony/pine rosin.

    Colophony / Pine Rosin

    Dissolved Colophony
    Clear / Yellow Color Colophony Ink

    The good thing with colophony was that it dissolved very well when mixed with ethanol and the color was much more clear compared to the shellac.

    But when I then tested out the surface finish in the drip tray as with the shellac before, I quickly realized that this mixture would not be suitable for using it in the printer.

    While the surface finish looked ok at first glance, it turned out that it was rather glue than a varnish since it remained very sticky even when fully dried.

    For fast printing of text or binder jetting and also to prevent a sticky mess when working with it, it would be better to select an ink that fully dries as fast as possible while forming a smooth nonsticky surface. So, the search continued...

    Colophonium, Gum Dammar and Elemi

    Just to mention it, I also tried out gum dammar, which turned out not to dissolve in ethanol, and elemi, which dissolved, but the surface was more like wax than varnish or ink.

    Trying out solvent-based Varnish

    To leave nothing untested, I also tried out solvent-based varnish from the hardware store, which I think was important for gaining the experience, but I wouldn't recommend it or try it again, especially not in winter when opening a window brings the temperature down to frosty levels.

    Nitrocellulose based Varnish

    I started with mixing 1l nitrocellulose-based varnish and checking how the mixture ratio influenced its viscosity.

    It turned out as expected - the varnish-to-solvent ratio influenced its viscosity.

    After working for some time with it, the smell got so horrible that I decided not to continue testing with it, since I'm planning to use the printer inside the same space where I live, like any other 3D or desktop printer.

    The next thing I tried was using alkyd resin-based varnish, which I mixed with white spirit "Reinigungsbenzin".

    Alkyd-based Varnish

    Varnish dissolved in White Spirit "Reinigungsbenzin"

    It turned out that the...

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  • Test Stand and DIY Amplifier

    Dominik Meffert01/31/2025 at 04:32 0 comments

    My next goal is to measure the speed of the ink stream by using two sensors and counting the time the droplets need to travel from sensor to sensor.

    To make work on the electronics easier, I built a new printhead test stand with a drip tray for catching ink drops that miss the gutter.

    Current Look of the Printer
    Printhead mounted on the Test Stand

    After everything was in place, I tried building an amplifier for measuring the small charge that would be applied to the droplets by a Time-of-flight test signal.

    The Amplifier's Schematic

    Lasered PCB

    PCB after Etching
    Cleaned up PCB

    PCB with Solder Mask
    Finished Amplifier

    To verify that the amplifier works, I did a quick test of the new amplifier by applying a 0.1V 20kHz signal and looking at the amplifier's output.

    Signal Generator with Test Signal
    Output of the Amplifier

    The test showed that the amplifier is turning the sent 0.1V square wave signal into a 0.25V triangle wave.

    While I didn't expect the output signal to be a triangle wave and I also thought that the amplification would be a bit higher, the test showed that the built circuit was working.

    So, I built a sensor out of a UHF connector that I connected to the amplifier for detecting the charge on the droplets and applied a test signal to the charge electrode.

    UHF Connector as Sensor
    24V 500Hz Square Wave sent to the Charge Electrode
    Feedback Signal from the Amplifier

    Conclusion after the first Test:

    For now, it looks like it's possible to send a test signal to the charge electrode and receive a feedback signal through the amplifier.

    This is an improvement compared to the AD620 amplifier that I have used so far since the old amplifier only worked randomly, and most of the time, it didn't work at all. 

    The new amplifier, however, is working pretty reliably so far.

    Here is a short video of the test:

    At the moment of writing this, I already built another one and added a TDA2030 amplifier and a high-pass filter to each one of the two to further amplify the signal and filter out the 50Hz mains frequency.

    Amplified and filtered Signal of two Sensors

    I also built a new sensor assembly made out of a PCB. The new one provides two sensors with a fixed distance between them so that the jet velocity can be calculated by using the known distance and the measured time delay between the signal appearing on the first sensor and the signal appearing on the second sensor.

    New Sensor Assembly

    The next step would be building a peak detector to get the signals ready for feeding them into a microcontroller to measure the time delay.

    When that's done, it should be possible to get a stream velocity reading, which would be the first real progress on the printhead driver electronics.

    After that, the same circuit could be used to test for the phase shift that works best for charging, but the current amplifier design is too slow to detect groups of charged droplets at the needed frequency. 

    So, a redesign of the amplifier circuit would be needed before it's ready for this test.

  • Making PCBs

    Dominik Meffert01/31/2025 at 01:39 0 comments

    Some time ago, I bought a pulsed 1064nm IR laser (Sculpfun IR2) for metal engraving and I recently figured out that this laser is the perfect tool for removing spray paint from copper PCBs without any residue.

    A year ago I tried the same with a common 450nm laser, but this laser rather burned the paint off while leaving a lot of residue on the PCB. 

    My guess would be that the pulsed operation mode of the new laser is the decisive factor here, which causes the paint to chip off or evaporate when hit with the laser instead of just getting burned away.

    PCB Manufacturing Footage:

    Laser in Operation
    PCB drawn in KiCad

    Lasered PCB
    PCB Etching in Sodium Persulfate

    Heating the Solution for Faster Etching

    Etched PCB

    Paint cleaned off with Acetone

    Applied UV Solder Mask

    Cut out PCB with Components soldered in using Solder Paste and a Hot Air Solder Station

    Backside with Pins - Later Designs got surface-mounted Pins to avoid drilling Holes

    Finished PCB

    I think having figured out a way of PCB manufacturing that works well for me will help move the project forward and will also be very useful for future projects.

    Until now, I always had to build circuits on perfboards and connect the components with solder wire. This was a lot of work and also looked ugly compared to the new design.

    New Design VS Old Design (Front)

    New Design VS Old Design (Back)

    It's also an advantage that the circuit and PCB layout can be designed on PC for lasering it 1:1 onto the copper PCB. 

    This makes the process similar to 3D printing, which will make it easy to share the design with others and will ensure that each copy of it will be identical. 

  • Quick Update

    Dominik Meffert01/17/2025 at 09:11 0 comments

    Recent Updates:

    Here is the progress since the last build log:

    - I figured out a way of designing and manufacturing PCBs that works well for me so that it will be possible to build the needed circuits for the project as proper PCBs.

    - I built a TL072-based amplifier by myself to replace the AD620 amplifier that I used so far, which never worked reliably. The new amplifier seems to work much better, while the amplification is currently very low.

    - I built a test stand for the printhead, similar to the drop breakup test stand, but out of 2020 profiles and only 500mm high.

    - I tried out many different resins for replacing the PVB and ended up using gum sandarac, which is plant-based and has better solubility, finish, and adhesion than the PVB.

    - I added filters to the printer to keep the ink clean and prevent the lines and nozzle from clogging.

    - I got a new oscilloscope that has 4 channels so that a trigger signal + the signals of the 2 new amplifiers can be displayed in the same timescale to verify that both work correctly.

    Will try to write more buildlogs with text and footage of the work I did over the last months when I can find the time for it.

    Future Plans:

    I'm currently working on a time-of-flight counter for measuring the ink stream's velocity. This will ultimately be used for manual and later automatic pressure adjustments to compensate for changes in viscosity which appear when the machine is used after being off for some time.

    Currently, the printer can measure a relative viscosity reading while heating/cooling the ink inside the printer to 25⁰C since the viscosity changes with temperature.

    Hardware-wise, there is also a peristaltic pump installed for adding ethanol to the tank to compensate for evaporated ethanol and keep the viscosity steady.

    While the feature is currently not activated, it would already be possible to use the viscosimeter reading for automatically adding ethanol.

    The stream velocity reading + (auto) pressure adjustment will be used for a finer adjustment in addition to the viscosimeter which can bring the ink stream velocity to the right level immediately.

    This, in combination with the viscosity regulation, the right piezo frequency, and the nozzle drive, will ensure that the stream breakup will always occur at the same position (inside the charge electrode). 

    Once a favorable piezo frequency, nozzle drive setting, and stream velocity are found, these settings can stay as they are since the TOF-based pressure compensation will keep the stream velocity constant at all times during operation and also when the machine is started again after being off for some time.

    Even the older CIJ printer models use a TOF counter, so I think this will be a very important step in getting the machine running.

    Once this is working, the next thing will be trying to get the phase test working again.

    When I tried that last time, I had no way of knowing the ink stream velocity, so I worked with random conditions and only got random results.

  • CK Fittings, PE Tube, new Printhead and other Improvements

    Dominik Meffert10/08/2024 at 04:54 0 comments

    Latest Video of the Printer:

    New Tubes and Fittings

    For the past months while working on the test stand and code for the ESP32, I did not use the printer prototype, and while it was standing there, some of the fittings got leaky.

    Leaky T Fitting

    Until now, it wasn't that big of a deal that the fitting's NBR seals got dissolved by the ethanol over time, because I changed the prototype's design over and over again, and with it the fittings, but after a lot of testing I thought that most parts of the current design were working reliable enough to keep them this way so that it was finally worth it to replace the push-in fittings with a more suitable type of fitting.

    A better option than the pneumatic push-in fittings are CK fittings (sometimes also called rapid screw fittings), which don't have a seal that can get leaky but instead use the tube itself as the seal by clamping it between the two halves of the fitting.

    Since I had to replace every fitting connection on the printer, I also wanted to replace the currently used PU tubes with PE tubes, which in contrast to the PU tubes, are suitable for long-time exposure to ethanol because of their better chemical resistance.

    CK Fitting with PE Tube

    No more Watercooling

    While I was replacing the fittings and tubes, I also thought about replacing the water cooler with an air cooler, so I could get rid of the water cooling pump, radiator, reservoir bottle, and tubes to end up with more space for other parts and less cost and complexity.

    Until now, the water cooler was used to get rid of the heat of the Peltier module when it's used for cooling the ink. 

    The Peltier module can be used for heating or cooling the ink depending on the room temperature to always keep the ink on a reference temperature of around 25⁰C for viscosity measurement.

    The ink's viscosity changes with temperature even if the ink mixture stays the same, so it's necessary to always measure the viscosity at the same temperature to be certain that changes in the viscosity reading also represent changes in the ink mixture.

    To keep the viscosity constant during printing, the printer can add more ethanol to the mix to compensate for the evaporation of ethanol, which would otherwise lead to an increase in the ink's viscosity.

    As long as the room temperature doesn't exceed 25⁰C by a lot there wouldn't be much heat to dissipate, so I think the cooling can be handled by an air cooler as well for the most time of the year.

    So, I replaced the water cooler with an air cooler.

    Air Cooler, old Heat Exchanger, and old Pump

    New Flushing Concept

    A while ago I added a flush valve and flush line to the printhead that could be used for flushing the nozzle and gutter line with ink for cleaning.

    Old Flush Valve and Flush Line

    It turned out that this wasn't the best idea because the ink would harden inside the tubes when the printer is not used for some time and when I recently ended up with clogged lines that I had to replace, I decided to change the printer design in a way that makes it possible to draw all ink from the nozzle and gutter line via vacuum and then flush these lines with ethanol without adding unwanted ethanol to the ink tank.

    To do so, I added two valves to the output of the return pump, which are both switched with the same relay. The valve that leads to the ink tank is connected to the normally closed pin and the valve that leads to the flush bottle is connected to the normally open pin so that the ink flows into the ink tank until the flush line function is activated which switches the relay so that the ink tank valve closes and the flush bottle valve opens.

    From Bottom to the Top: Nozzle Ink Valve, Nozzle Vacuum Valve, Gutter Valve, Ink Tank Valve, Flush Bottle Valve

    With this change, it's possible to flush the gutter and nozzle line into the flush bottle to prevent clogged lines and too diluted ink in the future.

    Ink Tank, Solvent Bottle, and Flush Bottle

    Some Footage

    Here are some photos I took while replacing...

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  • Visualizing Drop Breakup

    Dominik Meffert09/11/2024 at 00:49 0 comments

    After taking a look at the charging and charge sensing, I also wanted to take a look at the drop formation. Both processes are crucial for building a working CIJ printer.

    On many CIJ printers, a stack of 2 piezo rings is mounted on the nozzle to let it vibrate at a fixed frequency. Normally all parts are designed to work together within certain constraints:

    The piezo frequency, stream/nozzle diameter, pressure, and viscosity need to fit well enough together to make a controlled breakup of the stream into equal-sized drops possible.

    So much for the theory...

    In reality, this seems to be a big challenge, and I'm constantly working to get it right at some point.

    To learn more about the drop breakup, I was looking for a way to record it on camera.

    Drops in Slow Motion

    Changes to the previous Test Stand

    For recording the stream on camera, I replaced the 1 1/4 pipe tank with a pump to be able to record a continuous stream breaking into drops instead of drops dripping from a nozzle.

    USB-powered Pump in Tap Water

    The next step was to let the stream vibrate at a certain frequency to get an even, non-random breakup. To make recording easier, I wanted to use a larger stream so that no magnifying glass or microscope would be needed. Because of that, breaking the stream into droplets now requires a more powerful source of vibration.

    For this, I replaced the piezo with a vibration speaker, like the type of speaker that can play music via vibration when attached to the surface of a desk or wall.

    8R 20W Speaker and TDA2030 Amplifier

    I got an 8R 20W vibration speaker and used a TDA2030 amplifier for driving it which I powered by 12V DC.

    After verifying that the speaker could be used well for playing music through my desk, I attached it, together with the amplifier, to the test stand on which I also attached a 9mm hose fitting for using it as a nozzle, a silicone hose that was connected to the pump and some more fittings to hold everything in place.

    Speaker and Amplifier mounted on the Test Stand

    Now, I had two options for recording a slow-motion effect of the drop breakup:

    - Using a strobe light matched with the speaker frequency.

    - Matching the speaker frequency with the camera's shutter setting.

    At first, I tried using the strobe light, so I got a 50W LED mounted on a heat sink and did a quick test run. 

    Then later, while waiting on the parts for building a strobe circuit, I also tested out using the other method and it worked well enough that I actually never tried using the strobe for recording.

    50W LED on Heatsink

    Maybe later, when a higher frequency is used again, the "camera shutter effect" will likely no longer work that well, and so a strobe light will be needed to make the breakup visible.

    When I tested it at 50khz last year, I placed the stream in front of a 5mm LED which was also driven at 50khz. 

    So, it also was a strobe light - but just a small one.

    50kHz Piezo Frequency and 50kHz LED Frequency

    Testing with Water

    First, I did a quick test where I set the speaker frequency just below 60Hz and the camera to 60fps, which made it look like the water would flow in reverse. The pipe with the cap in which the stream flows is used to reduce splatter.

    Test with Water 58Hz and 60fps

    Link to the video:

    While there clearly was some effect visible it was not close to what I wanted.

    So, I tried using a container with an overflow hole to reduce possible vibration that the pump could transfer to the stream.

    Overflow Box

    This is how the test stand looked after the change:

    Test Stand with Overflow Box

    In addition to that, I also tried using a smaller nozzle (4mm OD / 2mm ID tube)

    New Nozzle

    With these changes, it started looking more like individual drops, but there was also a lot of splatter, and it seemed like there was a lot of water breaking out of the stream and falling not straight down.

    A lot of Splatter

    Link to the video:

    Testing with Glycerin

    To get rid of the splattering, I wanted to try using a fluid with a higher...

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  • Test Stand and Charge Testing

    Dominik Meffert09/08/2024 at 20:10 0 comments

    Proof of Concept:
    Over the past months, I worked on a few things, and I just found the time to write about them.

    The first thing I worked on was a stand for charging drops and testing if I could sense the charge somehow to start the work on the charging system from scratch.

    I started by building a pipe with a valve and a 1mm nozzle that I could fill with water, which I could let drop out slowly by slightly opening the valve. 

    1 1/4 Pipe with Valve and Nozzle

    Then I built a test stand out of two 1m 3030 profiles and a few shorter pieces for attaching the pipe on it with 3D printed mounting brackets.

    Test Stand with Drop Pipe

    For charging the drops I soldered a 1.5mm² wire onto a 1/4 inch brass fitting and mounted the fitting on another 3D printed bracket.

    Charge Fitting

    I used 56V DC for charging the drop while it passed through the fitting without touching it.

    The drops get charged at the moment they break loose from the stream, so I placed the brass fitting closer to the nozzle.

    Nozzle inside Charge Fitting

    At first, I tried to sense the charge on the drop with a piece of copper mesh in a funnel connected to an oscilloscope probe which was connected to an amplifier, but because I could sense nothing but the 50Hz mains frequency with it, I tried using just the tip of the oscilloscope probe for sensing the drop.

    Copper Mesh

    I guess the mesh acted as an antenna and picked up noise from the environment.

    Drops falling on Oscilloscope Probe

    With the probe connected to the amplifier and oscilloscope, it was possible to sense the charged drops when they hit the probe's tip.

    Drops visible on Oscilloscope

    It was also possible to sense the frequency at which the drops hit the probe.

    Sensed Voltage and Frequency

    Here is a picture of the setup.

    I used the AD620 instrumental amplifier module for testing. It was needed to connect the S- input to GND to get a reading out of it.

    Oscilloscope, Power Supply and Amplifier

    The power supply's ground was connected to the ground clip of the oscilloscope probe, the 1 1/4 pipe, the drip tray, and the frame of the stand.

    Probe connected to Power Supply Ground

    Based on the test result, it seemed like it would work to sense charged water drops with it, and to prove that it wasn't just luck, I tested 5 of the same amplifiers in the same configuration.

    I also tried turning the power supply off and reducing the charging voltage, which was visible on the oscilloscope. Without a voltage, there was nothing sensed when the drop hit the probe, and a lower charging voltage resulted in a lower amplitude of the sensed signal.

    When the tip of the probe was connected to the ground of the probe by water, there was also no reading visible on the oscilloscope.

    AD620 Amplifier Modules
    The result was the same on all 5 AD620 amplifiers I tested.

    5 Amplifier Modules - All of them worked

    A picture of the whole setup

    Test Stand

    After finding out that it was possible to sense charged water drops, I wanted to try building a proper sense electrode to replace the oscilloscope probe.

    Building a Sense Electrode:

    What I want to build here is the gutter sensor of a CIJ Printer.

    Many CIJ Printers have such a sensor, and while some models also have a senseless phase detection sensor (sometimes in addition to the gutter sensor), I want to focus on the type of sensor that is located in the gutter for now.

    On the printhead of an older CIJ printer model, the gutter sensor looks like this from the top:

    Shielded Ink Return Block

    The metal on the upper part is connected to the printhead ground and covers the plastic block from the top and sides.

    Shielded Ink Return Block

    From the bottom, it looks like this:

    A small metal pipe with a wire connected is attached to the plastic block.

    Sense Pipe and Shielded Cable

    Further down the tube, there is a small metal pipe which also has...

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  • Monitoring Sensor Data with MYSQL and Grafana on a Raspberry Pi

    Dominik Meffert07/01/2024 at 22:00 0 comments

    For the last month, I tried out different ways to log and monitor the data that the sensors on the machine collect to get a graphical way to watch the operation of the machine over time.

    This way it is possible to verify that everything is working as expected and to find problems that would be otherwise hard to detect.

    It's also just nice to see your machine's sensor readings on a dashboard :)

    I tried out:

    - saving the data on my router's FTP server

    - saving the data on Google Sheets

    - saving the data on InfluxDB

    Finally, I ended up saving the data on a MYSQL database that I set up on a Raspberry Pi, which appeared to me as the most independent/universal solution.

    In addition to that I installed Grafana on the Raspberry Pi to get a nice way to display the sensor data.

    Sensor Reading over 15 Minutes of Operation

    In the current picture, all values besides the pressure are as expected, so I still have to find a way to get a stable pressure.

    The readings I currently get from the machine are:

    - The room temperature

    - The nozzle temperature

    - The viscosimeter temperature

    - The conductivity

    - The fall time (the time an 8mm steel ball needs to drop around 100mm in a 10mm PC tube at 25⁰C - equal to the current dynamic viscosity)

    - The pressure


    Today, I installed a new pressure regulator which finally outputs a stable pressure.

    New Ink Pressure Regulator

    It's also visible in the readings:

    Pressure Reading
    Sensor Dashboard

    Now, that all sensor readings are stable the work on the fluid management system is finished until new problems appear and I can finally continue working on the printhead design.


    I just found out what caused the pressure regulator to fail:

    The pin inside the pressure regulator got stuck, because the used PVB/Ethanol mix is quite sticky. Maybe in the future I can find a pressure regulator with a different design that also works for adhesives or sticky fluids. At least it's no general problem of the system. Until then it's needed to clean and "unstick" the pin of the pressure regulator before running the system.

    Another Update:

    I switched to using another type of pressure regulator which also has a spring at the bottom for closing the seal so that doesn't get stuck open that easily.

    Dual Spring Pressure Regulator
    View from the Inside
    Parts of the Pressure Regulator

    The next thing I want to do is learn more about things like electrostatic induction and conduction and how to measure the charge on droplets.

    For this, I'm planning to build a test stand for charging single water drops with variable voltage, detecting when the drops hit a copper mesh, and measuring their charge to learn how to do these things and which factors are important for a successful charge induction and measurement.

    Thank you for your interest in my project :)

  • Noise Reduction and new Pump Design

    Dominik Meffert05/14/2024 at 20:10 0 comments

    Problems with the large Pressure Pump

    When I started working on the new design around Christmas last year the first part I bought was a portafilter coffee machine pump with a high flow and pressure rating.

    My initial idea was to use only one single pump for moving all fluid in the system and use a venturi nozzle to generate the needed vacuum for the return line and makeup/solvent loading.

    Venturi Valve and Pressure Pump

    While it worked well with water and pure ethanol, more and more problems arose as the viscosity increased.

    With the high-viscosity ethanol + PVB mixture that I want to use for printing, the venturi valve injected a lot of small bubbles at a high rate into the mixture creating a layer of foam on top of it which kept on rising until the ink tank started foaming over. At the same time, the small bubbles got sucked into the pump causing it to run unstable which would damage the pump over time while creating a loud unhealthy sounding noise.

    Foam on the Ink

    Over the last weeks, I tried a few things to reduce the foaming problem, but nothing of it could solve it completely...

    Small Bubbles mixed with Ink

    Another problem with this design was that while the venturi nozzle could still generate a high-flow suction when powered by a high-viscosity fluid, the vacuum level got reduced so much that it could no longer draw in the fluid through the return line...

    While this wasn't already bad enough the pump also generated a lot of heat which makes it hard to keep the temperature inside the system constant...

    With these problems and the fact that these kinds of pumps are pretty noisy and also quite expensive when bought new, it was time to start working on a better and cheaper solution.

    Brushless DC Pump for Ink Circulation

    A few weeks ago I already added two small 24V brushless pumps to the printer for ink circulation inside the viscosimeter and for water cooling.

    While thinking about the changes needed for replacing the large pump I realized that the viscosimeter circulation pump can also be used for circulating all the ink inside the printer and not only the ink inside the viscosimeter. Because of that I could remove the valves needed for the "viscosimeter sample refresh" function and just keep the pump circulating the ink all the time.

    For lifting the steel ball inside the viscosimeter a solenoid valve connected parallel to the pump outlet can be opened from time to time.

    The ink flows from the ink tank to the circulation pump and gets pumped to the viscosimeter.

    Outlet of the Ink Tank

    Ink Circulation Pump

    From there it flows into a T fitting which is connected to the outlet of the relief valve that regulates the pressure of the pressurized part of the system.


    From there the ink flows into the heat exchanger that keeps the ink at 25⁰C by heating and cooling it.

    Heat Exchanger

    Finally, the ink enters the ink tank again to complete the cycle that keeps the ink well-mixed and at a steady temperature.

    Inlet of the Ink Tank

    Brushless DC Pump for Water Cooling

    The water cooling system is used for cooling a TEC 12706 Peltier module for heating up or cooling down the ink so that it can be kept always at 25⁰C independent from the room temperature.

    The water flows from the water reservoir tank to the circulation pump and gets pumped into the heat exchanger.

    Water Cooling Pump

    Heat Exchanger
    The Peltier module is driven by a BTS7960 H-Bridge module so that it can be used for cooling and heating as well.

    BTS7960 H-Bridge
    The H-Bridge is powered by an XL4016 step-down converter module which outputs 12V.

    XL4016 Step Down Converter
    From the heat exchanger, the water flows into the radiator and from there it flows into the water reservoir tank to complete the water cooling cycle.

    Radiator and Water Reservoir Tank

    Peristaltic Pump for Solvent/MakeUp

    For adding solvent/makeup (ethanol) to the mix I switched to using a peristaltic...

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  • Touch Screen and more Pictures

    Dominik Meffert04/23/2024 at 04:01 0 comments

    Here are some pictures of the 7-inch ESP32 powered control touchscreen and the latest changes to the prototype:

    The squares on the left are touch buttons for the printer functions and on the right, you can see the sensor data on the top and the current time, date, day, and room temperature on the bottom.

    ESP32 LCD Touchscreen

    Since the display has no IO pins, I reassigned the 4 pins that were used for the micro SD card to use 2 of them for I2C (SCL and SDA) and the other two for PWM.

    To access the pins I soldered wires to a micro SD extension flat-band cable.

    Micro SD "Adapter"

    Connected via I2C are a DS3231 real-time clock, an ADS1115 ADC, and an MCP23017 IO extension.

    ADS1115, DS3231, MCP23017 and 8Ch Relay Module

    - The MCP23017 is used for switching the relays and valves and reading the inductive sensors of the viscosimeter.

    - The ADS1115 is used for reading the analog voltage of the pressure, conductivity, and temperature sensors.

    - The DS3231 is used to keep track of the time and measure the room temperature.

    3.3V/5V logic level converter and AMS1117

    The touchscreen is powered by an AMS1117 3.3V regulator.

    While the ESP32 is running well on 3.3V the LCD seems to need a higher voltage since it's flickering a bit when powered by 3.3V which doesn't happen when powered by its USB-C connection.

    To get rid of the heat from the Peltier module I added a dual-fan radiator, with the fans pointing toward the grid frame of the machine.

    Backside of the Radiator
    Front View of the Machine

    Currently, I'm using two XL4016 step-down converters for converting 24V from the power supply to 5V and 12V.

    While the 5V is used for powering the I2C devices and sensors, the 12V is used for the Peltier module and viscosimeter valve.

    XL4016 for 12V and 5V

    A single relay module is used to open the valve for lifting the 8mm steel ball inside the viscosimeter. The falling steel ball gets detected by 2 inductive sensors.

    Relays Module, 12V/5V Optocoupler, TDS Sensor Amplifier

    For the viscosimeter, I used a clear polycarbonate pipe with a 10x8mm diameter and 150mm length. The distance between the two sensors is 60mm.

    New Viscosimeter with Peltier Module and Circulation Pump
    Thermometer on the Main Ink Cycle

    I used a dual MOSFET module for switching the 12706 Peltier module with a 1kHz PWM signal.

    Dual MOSFET Module

    The Peltier model draws around 50W during testing and the MOSFET module gets very hot without cooling so I will likely place the MOSFET modules for both Peltier modules next to each other and add a small silent 40mm fan for cooling.

    Peltier Module

    Together with the pump that pumps the ink around inside the viscosimeter and also heats it up, a thermistor in the cross-fitting, and some PID code, the temperature of the ink inside the viscosimeter can be kept constant without oscillation.

    In the future, I will add some code to flush the viscosimeter from time to time with fresh ink to check if the viscosity has changed and automatically add solvent if the viscosity has risen too high because of solvent evaporation. 

    For flushing, the viscosimeter is connected to the main ink cycle by two valves that can be opened to let fresh ink flow through the viscosimeter while the pump is running and the measuring pipe's valve is opened to flush all the old ink out.

    LCD with Wifi Connection Indicator
    For the next update I'm planning to add a data logging feature to write all sensor readings and machine function states together with a timestamp to a file on an FTP server to make it possible to analyze every test run and see what changes in the sensor readings follow the performed action.

    I think this will add a lot of value to the machine since it makes the testing results more comparable and will provide a way to share the collected data besides recording videos and taking pictures. In the best case, it would be possible to display the sensor readings as graph lines...

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Lichao wrote 06/25/2023 at 06:15 point

this project is amazing ! 

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Dominik Meffert wrote 09/22/2023 at 16:49 point

Thank you :)

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Michal Lenc wrote 04/18/2023 at 06:42 point

Dear Dominik, incredible, what you have been able to achive on your workdesk. If your printer will be acting up, don't worry. I have worked with CIJ printers from several brands. And, once you put them in the production, they are FAR from working 24/7 with minor maintenance. Actually, I would say, if you are not in very clean enviroment, there is a constant battle with everything what makes them print. It doesn't matter what brand, all of them suck.

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Dominik Meffert wrote 04/18/2023 at 16:35 point

Hi Michal,

thank you very much :)

Oh... that sounds like there will be a lot of problems ahead of me, with the project, in the future 😅

If I can get it to work, I want to use it for 3D printing. So, if it would keep working for at least some hours, it would be fine.

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Paulo Campos wrote 01/17/2022 at 00:29 point

I have worked with CIJ printers at least 18 years with projects and fluids. i'm impressed with your audacity and progress. Certainly the nozzle is not a big challenge, you can buy in Swiss (ruby) and assembly in a laser cutted plate, the diameter of the jet is governed by the size of droplet we want, 75 microns is most recommended. This give a wavelength of

  = 4.51x 75= 331 microns.

Also, the jet velocity at 40 Psi is 20~22 m/sec. If  divided by the wavelength, it gives the optimum frequency.

  =22 m/s / 331microns= 64000.Hz

In practice, other frequency / nozzle sizes can be used that are not 'optimum', for example 60 micron/ 64kHz, but these still work, they are simply less efficient or increase the frequency. Increasing Frequency you increase printing speed but get difficulty for ink formulations. 

Viscosity is a very important step in project, we can describe Viscosity using Stokes Law and do one kinematic viscometer but dynamic Viscometer also possible and workable, in my thought Dynamic is more cheap and easy , I have some experiments using one needle with detection rods as sensors.  I can calculate both for you.

 I recomend you 75u  as we can get the best resonancy for drops in 64Khz with around 2800mBar/40psi, but till 100u we sill can get some workarounds. At past I worked in my 'hobby time' with some PCBs and HV PS for CIJs and I can say you there is no chance of success without phasing control and for do it you will need add one FPGA to your project. I have the PCB and HV Power project  ready without firmware, I can share you and share experience., I got success in many things .   Have a nice week! 

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Paulo Campos wrote 01/16/2022 at 23:57 point

Awesome progress Dominik! Congratulations! 

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Dominik Meffert wrote 10/29/2022 at 07:28 point

Thank you very much :)

Sorry for the late reply. I paused the project for over a year and just read your comment.

Interesting insight. I'm planning to use a 100micron 3D printer nozzle, because they are cheap and available everywhere. 

I would really like to read more about your PCB and HV power project.

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srbin25 wrote 10/27/2021 at 19:56 point

how connect CIJ print head with Arduino if it is possible?

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Dominik Meffert wrote 11/02/2021 at 15:38 point

My current plan is to control everything with a Raspberry Pi so that I can write a python script with GUI for all the settings and infos. I think it will also take more time until I can get the project to an usable stage because I'm currently working on another project which I want to use for creating the printhead parts.

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Hexastorm wrote 06/10/2021 at 08:36 point

Great to see you are still up with inkjet printing. In the past, I did some research into this topic.
What I would recommend is the book (inkjet technology for digital fabrication). A pdf can be found online.
TNO, a research institute from the Dutch State, also build one setup see .  I was not involved but building it took a crazy amount of time. The CIJ head used air for droplet selection instead of electricity.
This gave it the ability to print high viscous non conductive fluids.
A problem encountered was the wavy-ness in the final result and low through put. You can see it in the image (3D graded product made of three high viscousmaterials) in the linked pdf.  Dr. René Jos Houben did most of the work and use this as a query term to find out more.  I think some of the patents, if any, got transferred to a company called Nordson.
What I would recommend;

 - do research in the field of laser induced forward transfer

   This is a very active area of research and from what I understand relatively easy.
   It requires a coated glass plate and a laser to heat and release a droplet.

 - think of applications

Crazy applications I heard of is injecting droplets in chicken meat.  This preserves the dead meat longer. Also, some people were active in the making of perfume. This required making well defined mixtures.  Some chemicals are extremely expensive so if you can deliver small dosages or make small mixes that could be nice.

- make images of droplet formation with a stroboscopic camera

Everyone in this field does this. It's real easy and allows you to understand the process much better. Ideally you use global shutter camera with LED

Anyhow, good to see you are making so much progress :-)..

Also, the TNO project was not a commercial success.  Which must have been frustrating for those involved.

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Paulo Campos wrote 01/17/2022 at 00:36 point

Dear Hexastorm, TNO project is really interesting! Thanks. Increase the ink viscosity is a good way to printing over difficult adhesion substrates, like polyolefins. CIJs printers has this limitation.

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heinz wrote 05/28/2021 at 06:21 point

Wow 😍 This already looks too professional to be built by me for some precision dispensing.

Very cool, thanks for sharing.

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Dominik Meffert wrote 05/28/2021 at 15:54 point

Thank you very much :)

If I can find out how to build the CIJ nozzle there will be more progress, soon.

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