
DIY Mech or Exoskeleton suit.

Mechs are not viable, nor cheap, so I will try to design and build one alone anyway.

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Mechs are cool and I wasted a not trivial amount of time researching about related topics that I think are equally as cool and interesting.

I hope I can build one or more mechs, but first I need to actually project one.

I will try to list in this project here all the ideas I had/have because I'm noticing that I'm repeating the same cycle of ideas, and by putting these ideas on paper, I will finally just forget this mech thing and move on to better ways of using my time and effort, or just be completely consumed by it.

I'm not an engineer, neither a programmer, SO DON'T RISK YOUR LIFE DOING THIS PROJECT! **You can die.** **You've been warned.**
In fact, I’m confident that **nothing in this entire project will actually work.**

Everything I use and/or make is open-source.

Also², the Artist of the pic/painting of this project is "Ukitakumuki Kai Lim", you can find their profile on Devianart, the specific pic is called: "Pr

Everything in this project can kill you.

I'm not an engineer, I'm not a programmer nor do I have any kind of useful expertise.

You shouldn't be doing this DIY project without professional help.

You can die. You've been warned.


This is a guide, not a instruction's book.

Well, the idea of this project is to be more of a guide-book rather than a rule-book, I will make my own stuff, but it doesn't mean you can't learn other things that could be useful for your specific needs.

Plus, I'm not even an engineer, a professional would have finished this project a long time ago.


Well, the thing is: I kinda wanted to make Project Log 90 the final project log...

However, I kept procrastinating, and procrastinating, and procrastinating, and procrastinating so much that I eventually reached 700 pages on google docs (link). And now I kinda gave up on the project...

... At least until I feel like trying to continue it again.

So, from Project Log 91 to Project Log 121, I'm just copy-pasting the Project Log 90 into the Hackaday blog because it is too long to fit in a single project log.

Confusing? Yeah, sometimes I feel like whatever the hell I write looks like the ramblings of a madman.

 (I have ADHD, Depression and Anxiety [I am medicated {I was worse}])



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Mech - Incomplete.z17

I compressed the blender archives into zip and asked the program to separate the archives in 20MB maximum. Just like old school download movies: download all parts and click to extract.

z17 - 20.00 MB - 03/04/2025 at 14:42


Mech - Incomplete.z16

I compressed the blender archives into zip and asked the program to separate the archives in 20MB maximum. Just like old school download movies: download all parts and click to extract.

z16 - 20.00 MB - 03/04/2025 at 14:42


Mech -

I compressed the blender archives into zip and asked the program to separate the archives in 20MB maximum. Just like old school download movies: download all parts and click to extract.

x-zip-compressed - 19.25 MB - 03/04/2025 at 14:42


Mech - Incomplete.z09

I compressed the blender archives into zip and asked the program to separate the archives in 20MB maximum. Just like old school download movies: download all parts and click to extract.

z09 - 20.00 MB - 03/04/2025 at 14:42


Mech - Incomplete.z11

I compressed the blender archives into zip and asked the program to separate the archives in 20MB maximum. Just like old school download movies: download all parts and click to extract.

z11 - 20.00 MB - 03/04/2025 at 14:42


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