I often forget to check my regular mail, so much that sometimes I miss deadlines for various things. It seems weird to still use regular mail in this day and age, but there's no going around it.
I decided I wanted to know exactly when the mail is delivered so that I could get it out of the way and not worry about it. I've been tinkering with MCUs and know my way around low level programming so I figured this shouldn't be too difficult of a task. It'll be extremely time consuming as I'm ordering parts from across the world, this means it's a long term project, but I'm dedicated to it.
I've read about some similar projects, but none of them are open-source or really purpose built with extreme efficiency in mind, I don't want to change the battery every week and I want it to look nice.
My goal is thus to build a very affordable product, open so that anybody could buy the parts, easy to install, use and be modified by like-minded engineers.
The main goal of this project is to remotely inform about the change of state of one physical variable, it doesn't necessarily have to be mail delivery, let's say a cat door opening or a reached threshold could make use of this project as well, it's all about how you interpret it.
Thank for your great works and passion !
Please can you share your Eagle Project with 4 Transmitter PCB on a 5 x 5 board ?
Goal is toi use it on a soil analog soilmoisture sensor with solar batterie.