
Emerson Moura

An old nerd that loves electronics, robotics, microcontrollers and vintage computers.

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This user joined on 04/03/2014.

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Ken Yap wrote 02/13/2022 at 03:35 point

Thanks for the like and follow of #Adventures with a STC89C52 development board !

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Igor wrote 09/11/2021 at 06:46 point

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Mitsuru Yamada wrote 06/26/2021 at 14:24 point

Thank you for liking and following my #PERSEUS-8 homemade 6502 computer & #6802 Serial Terminal. Now, I'm working on a floating point interpreter for my computer PERSEUS-8. I've got the four arithmetic operations, the editor, and the program line analysis and execution part almost working.

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agp.cooper wrote 06/25/2021 at 10:24 point

Hi, thanks for the like/follow my Grant Searle's CP/M. I have a spare board I am happy to post if your interested (free).

I note your looking at a front panel. You may like my Weird CPU. It has a tactile switch front panel, but controlled by the CPU. It is really not that hard to write some firmware to load/store binary with your custom CPU using this style of panel.

In my case data is read when ever the the address changes and written if the data changes.

The program (which starts at 0x80) is executed if you try to write to 0xFF (the top of address space where the registers live).

Regards Alan

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Mitsuru Yamada wrote 12/04/2020 at 00:56 point

Thanks for following my #6502 standalone computer !  Yesterday, I have posted #PERSEUS-3 6802 homebrew computer that is a basis of my computers.

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Samuel A. Falvo II wrote 04/29/2020 at 01:41 point

Thank you for giving the #Kestrel Computer Project a +1!  Also, not sure how/why I missed it, but also thank you for following the #Kestrel-2DX project as well!

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Craig wrote 04/13/2020 at 05:29 point

thanks for following my #SBC-85 8085 Single Board Computer project. I hope you find my projects interesting and useful

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Dennis wrote 07/08/2017 at 01:26 point

Thanks for liking and following my project InspectorBot!

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GrayPillow wrote 06/20/2017 at 09:12 point

Thanks for following AnanasStepper 2.0!

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Dylan Brophy wrote 05/14/2017 at 21:54 point

thankyou for liking my #Arduino Desktop Emerson!

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