New year, new hacks
I've decided to finally have a go at the bulky thermometer with nixie displays that's been languishing in my cupboard. I bought it at the same surplus shop where my #Restoring a Beckman neon display clock came from.
The box is quite sturdy and bulky and was obviously installed in a rack in a factory. A search on Ircon shows that the company was a manufacturer of measuring equipment established in Illinois. Now it seems to have been absorbed into Fluke. That makes sense, they are into measuring equipment.

The front has tinted glass behind which sit 6 nixies. There are a couple of adjustments accessible, but on the inside they had been disconnected, perhaps by me. The legend confirms that it was a thermometer as it used an iron-constantan thermocouple which can measure temperatures up to 750°C. I also remember that it displayed the voltage at the input terminals. So it was factory instrumentation.

Nothing turned up for the model number search. That's not surprising. It was probably a small run product and I doubt if any documentation is extant.
Opening it up showed that it has two large circuit boards. One holds the analog circuitry, and the other has lots of RTL chips and the nixies. Wow, even older digital chips than those I used in #DTL binary clock. The analog board also held an old school power supply transformer. The equipment is from the 70s as the date codes on the RTL chips attest, so no SMPS at that time.
There was third smaller board which appears to be the communications board leading to the DB25 connector at the back. But the biggest surprise was that I had already hacked it decades ago, and I had forgotten the extent of my hacks. I definitely had to jumper the power transformer differently for 230V AC power. There was an interloper UART board taken from the same LA30 printer that I used the character generator board for #Flashing LEDs from old printer electronics. Also some handwritten notes by me about how to instruct the thermometer to send the measurements through the serial interface. I don't remember getting it working; life got in the way; I graduated, moved away, got a job, etc. etc.

It came back to me. I had connected a biased silicon diode to the input terminals and viewed the forward voltage, around 0.6 to 0.7 V. I remember that I had ideas of sending this data to a CP/M computer I owned to convert this to a temperature. The idea was that I could measure the outside temperature with a remote probe before venturing outside. (I studied in a place with a cold climate and before Internet weather pages.) Well I certainly don't need another thermometer. Now for a few bucks one can buy a battery powered gadget smaller than a pack of cards that shows inside and outside temperature, humidity, as well as the time and date.
What interests me at this point are the nixies. I want to make a 6-digit display that will display the number sent through a WiFi MCU, e.g. an ESP8266 or ESP32. So I will have to decipher the circuitry.
At this point I will post updates in separate project logs, otherwise I will hit the length limit on the Details section and people will get tired of scrolling past what they have already read. I'll just provide links here to the logs:
You can use 74141 or the Russian version K155NA1 to drive the Nixies.
The MPS42A or 2N3439 are suitable driver transistors.
I restored a Heathkit IB-101 frequency counter with these components.
You can use a CD4013 dual D flip-flop for the divider.