So this is an extension and application of #PEAC Pisano with End-Around Carry algorithm because the PEAC algorithm replaces the scrambler and the 4b/5b table, see
166. Line encoding with PEAC : OK
167. Line encoding with PEAC: it's alive
168. PEACLS error detection (and correction?)
169. TODO: scan
Application is for embedded/custom data transfers over RJ45/Cat5 UTP/STP where the whole TCP/IP stack is not required and a simple FPGA/microcontroller are more than enough.
1. Let's start.
2. Tinkering with CircuitJS
3. AGC
4. Serial vs Parallel
5. Sender-side droop/wander prevention with MLT-3
6. Double parity
7. Flipping
8. a Quasi-Popcount
"if more than 7 errors are observed in 3x10^11 bits (about 19,770,000 1,518-byte packets), it can be concluded that the error rate is greater than 10^-11 with less than a 5% chance of error. Note that if no errors are observed, it can be concluded that the BER is no more than 10-11 with less than a 5% chance of error."