
Michael Wessel

After 2 decades of Lisp hacking I embarked on a journey to learn more about lower levels of computing - next stop: MCUs & FPGAs.

Palo Alto
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This user joined on 05/03/2016.

Things I've Built

Busch 2090 Microtronic Computer System Emulator - A 4 Bit Arduino-Based Homebrew Computer

The Busch 2090 Microtronic Computer System was an early 80ies microprocessor trainer, in a spirit similar to the KIM 1 or Microprofessor. This Arduino-based emulator of the MIcrotronic comes with SDCard-based file IO, LCD display and Speech.

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Michael Gardi wrote 02/16/2025 at 01:13 point

Thanks Michael for liking my CPS-1: Imagining An Early 70s 4-bit Microcomputer project  

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roelh wrote 02/23/2024 at 08:19 point

Hello Michael, thank you for liking the #Isetta TTL computer !

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Mitsuru Yamada wrote 10/30/2023 at 00:40 point

Thank you for liking my #6502 Computer runs calculator! The fixed-point arithmetic algorithms of this calculator project were instrumental in the development of the mantissa arithmetic algorithms of the later PERSEUS-8 and -9 floating-point interpreter CI-2.

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Mitsuru Yamada wrote 07/28/2022 at 00:43 point

Thank you for liking my #PERSEUS-9 homemade mobile 6502 computer ! It is certainly ready to go on my desk to use.

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padnest wrote 01/22/2022 at 17:44 point

Thank you for liking my #MRC6502 - Modular Retro Computer 

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Michael Gardi wrote 01/19/2022 at 21:23 point

Michael, thank you for liking my Sol-20 Reproduction project. 

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Ken Yap wrote 01/18/2022 at 02:09 point

Thanks for liking #DTL binary clock and #eForth/z80 modifications ! It's a constant source of wonder to me how fast informatics advances.

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Mitsuru Yamada wrote 08/07/2021 at 23:24 point

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Michael Gardi wrote 06/19/2021 at 16:26 point

Thanks for liking my WDC-1 a "Working Digital Computer" project Michael. 

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danjovic wrote 06/11/2021 at 01:07 point

Hey Michael, thanks for liking #32 Shades of Grey 

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Ken Yap wrote 06/10/2021 at 23:28 point

Thanks for liking  #TTL binary clock !

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Mitsuru Yamada wrote 04/22/2021 at 06:54 point

Thank you for liking my #PERSEUS-8 homemade 6502 computer !

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Mitsuru Yamada wrote 01/09/2021 at 04:06 point

Thank you for liking my #Nixie Clock by TTL/CMOS !

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Michael Gardi wrote 12/23/2020 at 17:23 point

Thanks for taking an interest in my Think-a-Tron 2020 project Michael. I'm glad you did because I'm digging your work here too.

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Michael Wessel wrote 12/23/2020 at 18:07 point

Thanks Michael! Happy hacking and a much better 2021 - stay safe and happy holidays :-) 


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Bharbour wrote 05/01/2020 at 02:58 point

Hi Michael, Thanks for liking my #EL Wire Clock and #7 Day Alarm Clock (ancient)  projects.

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Dusan Petrovic wrote 06/11/2019 at 13:34 point

Hi Michael and thank you for following list #Featured Projects on!

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Michael Wessel wrote 06/11/2019 at 17:04 point

Hi Dusan, you are welcome and thanks for maintaining this great list! Cheers MIchael

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Michael Wessel wrote 05/28/2019 at 03:19 point

You are welcome, very interesting and impressive project! Keep hacking!

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roelh wrote 05/27/2019 at 06:43 point

Hello Michael, thank you for liking the #Kobold - retro TTL computer !

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