After 2 decades of Lisp hacking I embarked on a journey to learn more about lower levels of computing - next stop: MCUs & FPGAs.
This user joined on 05/03/2016.
The Busch 2090 Microtronic Computer System was an early 80ies microprocessor trainer, in a spirit similar to the KIM 1 or Microprofessor. This Arduino-based emulator of the MIcrotronic comes with SDCard-based file IO, LCD display and Speech.
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Hello Michael, thank you for liking the #Isetta TTL computer !
Thank you for liking my #6502 Computer runs calculator! The fixed-point arithmetic algorithms of this calculator project were instrumental in the development of the mantissa arithmetic algorithms of the later PERSEUS-8 and -9 floating-point interpreter CI-2.
Thank you for liking my #PERSEUS-9 homemade mobile 6502 computer ! It is certainly ready to go on my desk to use.
Michael, thank you for liking my Sol-20 Reproduction project.
Thanks for liking #DTL binary clock and #eForth/z80 modifications ! It's a constant source of wonder to me how fast informatics advances.
Thank you for liking my #Homemade Floating Point Interpreter for 6502 !
Thanks for liking my WDC-1 a "Working Digital Computer" project Michael.
Thank you for liking my #PERSEUS-8 homemade 6502 computer !
Thanks for taking an interest in my Think-a-Tron 2020 project Michael. I'm glad you did because I'm digging your work here too.
Thanks Michael! Happy hacking and a much better 2021 - stay safe and happy holidays :-)
Hi Michael, Thanks for liking my #EL Wire Clock and #7 Day Alarm Clock (ancient) projects.
Hi Michael and thank you for following list #Featured Projects on!
Hi Dusan, you are welcome and thanks for maintaining this great list! Cheers MIchael
You are welcome, very interesting and impressive project! Keep hacking!
Hello Michael, thank you for liking the #Kobold - retro TTL computer !
Thanks Michael for liking my CPS-1: Imagining An Early 70s 4-bit Microcomputer project